Darkdawn - Jay Kristoff Page 0,108

a breathless, aching kiss. Cheeks flushed, pressed up against the wall, she crushed Ash to her, breathing hard in the shivering dark, every thought, every foe, every fear vanishing from her mind as she sighed around their tongues.

“I want you, too…”

* * *

They fucked like war.

War and blood and fire.

They almost didn’t make it into the room, Ash fumbling with the key as Mia pressed the length of her body up against her from behind, kissing the back of her neck, fingernails digging into her skin. They slammed the door behind them and Mia slammed Ash up against it, her laughter turning to a breathless moan as Mia lunged at her throat. Mia pressed her lips to burning skin, felt Ashlinn’s pulse hammering under her teeth and tongue. Ash’s hands slipped up her shirt and across her back, tickling, teasing. But Mia took hold of her wrists, pressed them back firmly against the frame, grinding up against her as she kissed and nipped her neck.

Chest heaving, lips twisted in a wicked smile, Ash thrust her away. Mia stumbled back and Ash collided with her, shoving her back onto the bed. They collapsed on the mattress in a tangle, Ash’s breath coming quicker as she tore at the ties on Mia’s britches, eyes glazed with lust. Mia dragged Ash’s shirt up and pulled her close, kissed her breasts, licking and sucking and sighing her adoration. But Ash pushed her back down onto the bed, pressed Mia’s hands against her chest to still them, finally getting her britches loose and dragging them down around her knees. Mia pushed her off and they fell to struggling, laughing and cursing and biting, flushed and panting, muscles taut, neither willing to yield. Mouth to mouth, tongues dancing against each other as they stripped each other’s clothes off in a torturous, maddening battle, piece by piece, sweat rising on their skin, each boot or button a small, breathless victory.

Ash’s kisses were hungry, angry, their bodies pressed together as they rolled across the bed, finally, wonderfully naked. Mia spread her legs and groaned, back arching as Ash’s fingers slipped down and began to strum, hypnotic, melodic, playing a blinding symphony on her swollen lips. Mia’s own hand went searching, across the swell of Ash’s heaving breasts, down her drum-tight belly, through downy softness into slick, drenched heat.

“O, Goddess,” Mia sighed.

“Yes,” Ash breathed. “O, fuck yes.”

She moaned as Mia’s fingers slipped inside her, curling and coaxing, O, Goddess, she’s so warm, lighting a fire that set her trembling. Ashlinn threw her head back and groaned, her hands matching Mia’s ecstatic rhythm as she swayed and rolled her hips in time. Mia pressed her mouth to Ash’s neck, fingers entwined in long, golden tresses, teeth nipping her skin, grinding against her hand. Each girl stoking the rising flames inside the other, each caress, each trembling touch, hotter, higher, more, more, until finally, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, they set each other aflame. Ash cried out, hair strewn across her face, muffling Mia’s own wordless cries as she crushed her to her breasts. Black light burst behind Mia’s eyes, brighter than truelight, her head thrown back as the immolation took her, shook her, leaving her trembling and gasping for breath.

Mia’s fingers retreated, tracing lines of fire across the battleground of Ashlinn’s skin. She slipped them between her lips, savoring her lover’s taste, drunk with it. Ash found Mia’s mouth with her own again, moaning as she tasted herself between them, the pair sinking into an endless, soul-deep kiss. Ash wrapped long legs around Mia’s waist, squeezing tight, fingertips drawing arkemical spirals over her hips, across her back, up to the nape of her neck, shivers running all the way down her spine to coil thrumming and humming between her soaking thighs.

Mia wanted to possess this girl. To own and be owned, every part of her, every desperate sugared secret, every smooth curve and shadowed arc.


She wanted so much more.

“Kiss me,” Mia whispered, caressing Ashlinn’s cheek.

“I am kissing you,” Ashlinn sighed.

“No,” Mia breathed, drawing back, looking deep into her lover’s eyes. “Kiss me.”

Ashlinn’s breath came quicker, the thought making her shiver. Mia could see the want in her, the dazed, desperate, aching lust in her eyes, matching Mia’s own. She kissed Mia again, tongue darting into her mouth, lips curling in a dark smile.

“Make me,” she breathed.

Mia grinned, pressing Ashlinn back onto the sheets, pushing her hands up above her head. She sighed as Mia scattered a hundred lingering kisses

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