Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,84

he’d built the Eiffel tower with his bare hands I would’ve been less surprised. “You paint?”

“Sometimes.” He shrugged.

I couldn’t believe something so beautiful and serene had been created by the dragon beast. I wanted to ask more about it, but the tightness of his jaw shut me down.

I decided on a change of topic. “Why’d you bring me down here anyway?”

“Because I need to have a backup plan in case everything with Delacroix and you goes to hell.”

“And that involves this room?”


Cryptic much? “Care to elaborate?”

“Not right now.” He paused and his fingers danced across the keyboard. “And anyway, if things don’t go as calculated, I can have Dallas compel you to forget you were ever here.”

I swiveled my chair toward him, the squeak finally averting his gaze from the screen. “Don’t you dare. I don’t want him messing with my memories. I already have a big chunk missing.”

He shook his head and grunted. “You’re still sticking with that story?”

“It’s not a story, Talon. I swear I don’t remember any of it.” I paused and chewed on the inside of my cheek. “Can’t you feel that I’m telling you the truth through this blood thing or whatever?” My cheeks heated, but I bit through the last part.

A part of me hoped he’d say no. As much as I wanted him to believe me, the idea that this was a two-sided connection made my stomach break into cartwheels.

His jaw tightened, the muscle so taut a flick of my finger would shatter it. The silence thickened, and I could hear the rush of my blood roaring across my eardrums.

He never answered me.

Chapter Thirty

“Don’t be bitter, precious. It’s not a good look for you, plus it’ll lead to premature aging and frown lines.” Dallas jabbed his elbow into my side.

“Go fish,” I muttered, folding my cards down and stifling a yawn.

Talon and Hayden had left at the buttcrack of dawn, and I hadn’t been able to get back to sleep. Now a weird anxiety buzzed through my body and coupled with the lack of z’s, I wasn’t exactly my normal perky self.

Dallas was doing his best to entertain me during happy hour, but my thoughts were elsewhere. It felt like I was riding a rollercoaster, my stomach rising and falling for no apparent reason. Only I had a feeling the reason was Talon. Something was going on and not knowing what was killing me.

Had they found Thax? Discovered anything about Delacroix?

“It looks like your brain is going to explode.”

I glanced up at the familiar voice, pushing the dark thoughts aside. “Oh, hey, Flix.” I’d barely seen my pixie friend since Delacroix had been freed from the Hole. The only reason I was allowed out today was because the demon was spending the day in the psych ward. Annual required visit apparently.

Flix lowered himself into the seat across from us. “Can I join?”

“Of course.”

As usual, my faerie friend’s eyes were glued to the hunk of male beside me. Dallas was his normal flirty self. Now that I’d been officially adopted by the Triad, Flix wasn’t quite as scared of the three burly supes, but he still ogled from a safe distance.

“Do you know how to play Go Fish?” I asked.

Tearing his gaze back to me, Flix shook his head. “Is that some weird human game?”

“On the contrary,” Dallas chimed in. “It’s a very simple one. Mostly played among children.”

“Hey!” I smacked him in the shoulder—and regretted it immediately. The dang vampire was almost as solid as Talon, but his slender frame was deceiving.

Flix grinned and reached for the stack of cards. “I’ll teach you how to play some adult games, cutie.”

“Hold that thought. I gotta go pee before we start another game.”

Dallas stood, but I threw my hand up. “You’re not coming with me to the bathroom. Not even Talon does that.”

My temporary bodyguard hitched an incredulous brow. “I find that hard to believe.”

“Believe it or don’t, I’m not letting you into the girls’ bathroom.”

“How about a compromise then? I’ll stand outside by the door.”

Rolling my eyes, I nodded. “Fine.”

“I’ll go with to keep you company.” Flix smiled at Dallas, his mossy green eyes twinkling.

“I’m not going to take that long,” I muttered as the pair followed me out the door of the rec room. These two were worse than Talon. I continued mumbling to myself as I barreled through the restroom door, locked the stall and squatted.

A sudden sharp pain lanced into my gut, knocking me down onto the toilet seat. I tried

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