Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,77

red-hot fury surged through my veins. A purple glow caught my attention from the corner of my eye, but I was too ramped up to stop. I barreled into Talon, a battle cry tearing from my lips.

His eyes widened as a blast of lavender energy shot from my fisted hand. Hitting him square in the abs, purple light exploded across his body and sent him flying across the room. The big dragon crashed against the far wall and slid down the sleek obsidian with an insanely satisfying thud.

I couldn’t help the ginormous smile from splitting my lips.

Until he didn’t move. Shitzu.

I raced across the training room, fear crushing my insides. I slid to the floor when I reached him, practically running into the wall before I came to a full stop. “Talon, are you okay?”

I lifted his head and cradled it in my lap and gently smacked his cheek. That eerie purple glow still emanated from my tattoo, lighting up my whole arm. “Talon, Talon, wake up!”

His lids fluttered and slowly cracked open. I waited for the slew of curses to erupt from his mouth, but instead, it curled into a grin. “I told you I could get it out of you.”

I dropped his head, and it lolled back for a second before he sat up. “You jerk! You scared the crap out of me. I thought I’d really hurt you.”

He leaned against the wall and rubbed the back of his head. “I already told you, it takes a lot more than that to hurt me. I’m glad my little experiment worked though.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“Azara, both you and Logan have been very hush hush about your parentage, and I’ve been okay with that until now. But that hit I just felt, packed more punch than some of my magical colleagues at the SIA. Are your parents in the Coven?”

I shook my head, chomping down on my lip.


I wasn’t lying. Mom had never been part of the Coven Council because of her warlock powers. When she was young, they’d forced her into a trial of her abilities. She’d fudged the test so no one would find out what she was. “They’re not.”

“Well, you’re obviously part demon, but it’s the other half I’m more concerned with and I don’t care what you say, it’s not human.”

“Why does it matter anyway?”

The door to the training room whipped open, and Logan strode in. “She’s right, Talon. It doesn’t matter. All you need to know is she’s a demon-human half-blood.”

“With magical abilities that knocked not only a handful of Delacroix’s best men out but also a fully trained, badass SIA agent?”

Logan puckered his lips and huffed out a breath. “I came here to give you an update on Thax.” My ears perked up at the mention of the Underworld dark lord with the balls to pull one over on Luci. “I spoke to our friend and after a bit of incredulity on his part, he reluctantly confirmed Delacroix and Thax have been in contact on numerous occasions since you arrived at Darkblood.”

I sucked in a breath, forcing my racing heart to settle. The whole thing had been a set-up.

“I’ve enlisted a team from the Gargoyle Guardian Council to tail Thax, and we’ll continue to surveil Delacroix in here. We’ll find out whatever’s going on, Azara. I promise.” His lips pinched together again, and I could almost see the gears grinding as the creases along his forehead deepened. “There’s one more thing I discovered…” He eyed Talon, then his gaze darted back to me. “Thax is Luxora’s son—do you know who that is?”

An ominous pang streaked through my insides at the name, but I couldn’t quite place it. I finally shook my head.

“Luxora was the daughter of Lucifer and Eve—and my dad’s half-sister. She ruled the Underworld in her father’s place for many years until she was killed by the first supernatural slayer squad about twenty years ago.”

Ice froze my veins as bits and pieces of old hushed conversations I’d caught between my parents flitted across my mind. Luxora had almost killed my mom, but she and Dad with the help of her squad had taken her out instead. This was her son? How could Luci not tell me that Thax was his grandson and my half cousin?

“Damn, how many children does Lucifer have wandering the human and supernatural worlds?” Talon quipped.

He had no idea how right he was. That was one of the reasons Dad barely associated with his own father. He had more half-siblings scattered

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