Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,7

in my head. “Who are you two, and why are you in my cell?”

“I’m afraid you’ve got that wrong, pumpkin.” Raspy voice stood up and swept his long golden-blonde locks behind his ears. He sauntered closer, his brilliant turquoise irises shimmering beneath the neon halogen from above. “The question is: what are you doing in our cell?”

My gaze flickered to the other inmate whose lips were pressed so tight I wondered if he had a razor blade clenched between his teeth. That happens in jail, right? And man, if looks could kill, I’d be so dead right now. What was this guy’s problem?

“Look, I’m sorry if I’m cramping your space or whatever. This is obviously some sort of misunderstanding. Not only do I not belong in your cell, I definitely don’t belong in this prison.”

Silver eyes grunted, and the scowl carved into his wide jaw only deepened. I hazarded a quick glance at Mr. Dark and Broody and immediately regretted it. Molten steel flashed across his irises, and a deep growl vibrated his massive chest.

“That’s what they all say,” muttered Raspy. He was still eyeing me like I was some circus freak.

Dark and Broody stood, unfolding his long legs and revealing his towering height and enormous arms. I scooted back on the bed and tucked my legs into my chest as he sauntered by. A shock of dark wavy hair tumbled over his forehead, partially hiding those unearthly silver orbs. His gray jumpsuit hugged his broad shoulders, narrowing down to his tapered waist. The guy was ridiculously gorgeous. Figures he’d be a total jackhole. I forced my gaze away from Dark and Broody, reminding myself it didn’t matter how hot he was because I wouldn’t be here long enough to find out how wrong he was for me.

The three walls surrounding us were made of the same obsidian stone I’d seen throughout the prison, but the fourth wall, the one he was walking toward was glass.

He banged on the clear wall, his fist shaking the entire room. “Guard! Hey, C.O.!”

I glanced over at my other cellmate and raised a brow.

He shrugged, but the ghost of a smile lifted the corner of his lip. I tried to call on my limited supe radar to figure out what kind of creature he was, but the magical cuffs must have been suppressing my supernatural sensor. “I’m Hayden, by the way,” he whisper-yelled over his friend’s shouts.

“Azara,” I replied. Before I could open my mouth to say more, a burly guard showed up.

“Quit that racket, Talon.” I recognized the dragon that had escorted me into the prison. He waved his palm across the glass and a jolt of something had Dark and Broody, or I guess Talon, leaping back from the invisible wall.

Talon cursed at the guard as I searched my faulty memory for his name. “She doesn’t belong in here, Skarson. Get her out now.”

Ah, yes, Skarson.

The dragon snarled. “You say that like you have a choice in the matter, inmate. What the hell do you think this is, the Ritz Carlton? I’ll put the girl where I want.”

“Exactly, she’s a girl, you moron.” Talon took a few steps back then charged the glass, a deep growl cutting through the air. He hurdled his massive frame into the barrier and the entire room shuddered. My eyes widened as I watched the fear shoot across Skarson’s expression. The C.O. jumped back with his arms raised over his head, but somehow the glass held.

A pleased grin melted across Talon’s face as Skarson straightened and tugged at his beige uniform collar. “You wouldn’t last a day on my side of this wall, C.O.,” Talon spat.

The guard cleared his throat, deep crimson flushing his cheeks. “It’s a good thing I’ll never have to find out then. I’m no low-life scumbag like you.”

“Right, because it was your upstanding record that got you sent to this post.”

“Shut your trap, inmate.”

The two males glared at each other, their noses only inches away from the clear barrier. I took advantage of the momentary pause and hopped off the bed.

“Excuse me, Skarson? Like I was telling you before, this is a big mistake. I need to talk to the person in charge here.”

All three men chuckled.

“You’re going to be waiting awhile, fresh meat,” our uber-friendly corrections officer hissed. “Our warden, Egan, was recently replaced, and the new guy doesn’t know his head from his ass.”

“Well, how about a lawyer or a trial? I don’t even know what I did to end up

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