Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,57

at his proximity. I cursed my traitorous organ, certain he could hear it. Hell, I could hear it roaring across my eardrums.

“Adrenaline is still kicking,” I muttered stupidly.

“Uh, huh.” His eyes never deviated from their task, his lower lip snagged between his perfect teeth. An endless minute later, he sat back and our gazes practically smacked into each other. My tongue darted out to lick my dry lips and the pungent lingering taste of alcohol assaulted my taste buds. His eyes lowered to my mouth, and a faint growl reverberated in his chest. Or did I imagine it?

The door swung open and slammed against the wall. My eyes darted to the large angel in the doorway.

Talon’s gaze dropped to the floor, and he shot up to his feet. “Good to go.”


Hayden’s baby blues zipped from me to Talon and back. “Did I miss something here?”

“Yeah, the punching bag attacked your little pumpkin.” Talon ticked his head at me and sauntered toward his friend.

“Do you want me to hit you up with some angel healing?” He strode over and dropped down to the floor beside me.

“You have healing power?”

“Of course, I do. I’m an angel remember?”

“But you’re fallen…”

“I still get to keep all the cool powers.” He winked. “And I get to have a hell of a lot more fun.”

“Why wasn’t Hayden’s healing mojo an option?” I glared at Talon, who’d made it all the way across the room already. Like he’d maxed out on the amount of time near me.

“I didn’t know he was back.”

I nudged my cellie in the ribs. “Where’d you go?”

“Special work task with—”

My hand shot up, cutting him off. “If you guys feed me that same line of BS one more time, I’m going to scream.”

“It’s not a lie,” Hayden began again. “It’s just none of your business and you, my little demon friend, need to keep your nose out of our dealings.” His big index finger reached to boop the tip of my nose, but I swatted it away.

“Just fix my nose already.”

“Bossy little thing, isn’t she?” He shot Talon a mischievous grin.

The mercurial dragon lifted his shoulders nonchalantly as he reorganized the weight rack. I still hadn’t told him about my deal with Lucifer. I was trying to figure out how to break the news without admitting who I was. Plus, I was kind of dreading it. He wasn’t going to be happy especially since Logan made me promise to take my guard dragon with me.

A wave of warmth rippling over my face drew my thoughts to the angel standing over me. His hand splayed over my head and a brilliant golden light lit up his palm.

The throbbing in my nose waned and then completely disappeared a second later. “Wow, that’s amazing.” I breathed in deeply through my nostrils and felt nothing.

A big smile split his lips, and he helped me up. “And my job here is done.”

“Actually…” Maybe I should spit it out now while Hayden was here as a witness. I doubted Talon would murder me in front of an audience. Even if it was his BAFF—best angel friend forever. “There’s something I have to do and maybe both of you guys could help.”

Talon’s dark glare seared me from across the room. “What?”

“Well, you know how I went to meet with Logan a few days ago?”

They both nodded.

“He’s been doing some digging into Delacroix through his contacts in the Underworld and there’s a warlord, Thax, who’s willing to help me out in exchange for some intel on Delacroix’s dealings in here.”

Talon’s lips thinned and his head whipped back and forth. “Absolutely not. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. You’ll be dead before he can help you. Sounds like a win-win for this warlord and a death sentence for you.” His massive arms closed over his chest. “And whoever’s with you.”

Talon was just watching out for his own ass; he didn’t care what happened to me. At least that made sense.

“Yeah, pumpkin, I’m with T on this one.” He reached out and slapped my shoulder. “We’ll handle Delacroix. Don’t get mixed up with those Underworlders. They’re nothing but bad news.”

“Thanks, Hayden. You do realize I’m one of them, right?”

He smirked. “My point exactly.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

The two shrill buzzer blasts that signaled the beginning of happy hour had me leaping to my feet. It was time. I grabbed my dingy towel from the hook on the wall and headed to the now unlocked cell door.

“Where are you going?” Talon mumbled, his face buried in

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