Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,51

me, you weren’t that close. I can handle a little demon like you.”

“But I thought… I almost had you.”

He shook his head. “No, you didn’t.”

“That was a test?” My brows slammed together as realization slapped me in the face.

“I had to provoke you to determine if you were worth saving.”

I bit down on the slew of curses poised on the tip of my tongue. Instead, I coiled my arm back and landed a punch right in his gut. He folded over and released a satisfying grunt. It was totally worth the bone crunching pain across my knuckles. “You’re an ass,” I muttered as I stomped away.

“Aren’t you glad you know now?” he called out.

“No, I always knew you were an ass.”

An unexpected chuckle burst from his lips. “That wasn’t what I meant.”

Wasn’t I glad I discovered I could control myself? Maybe. But I’d never admit that to him. He was right about one thing though, if I’d been able to rein in my demon this time, how in the realms had I soul-sucked dozens that night? Something still didn’t make sense.

Chapter Nineteen

A week went by and all had been quiet. Weirdly enough, I’d gotten used to life in prison, to the daily monotony of meals with the Triad, tour guide lessons with Flix, visits to the library to stock up on reading material, and of course training with my constant grumpy shadow, Talon.

Delacroix hadn’t made a move, and I’d become fairly convinced he’d backed off for good. I could do this, I could survive Darkblood. Or at least that’s what I told myself as I refocused my attention on the old movie playing on the projector in the rec room. The entertainment area had been cleared of any possible threats before I’d been allowed to enter.

Flix sat on one side of me and Dallas on the other. My usual bodyguard was missing and had sent the vampire as his replacement. Or at least that’s what the note said that I’d found when I woke up in the morning and my two bunkies were gone.

“Where did Talon and Hayden go anyway?” I whispered.

“Shh. Watch the movie, precious. This is a good part.” Dallas pressed his finger to his lips, his eyes glued to the screen.

I never thought the eccentric vampire would be so into Clueless. I’d watched the movie about a dozen times with my mom. It was one of her old favorites. A pang streaked across my chest as memories of movie nights with my parents floated to the surface. All I had to do was pick up the phone, and they’d have me out of Darkblood Prison in no time, but I’d have to admit what I’d done. A crushing weight squeezed my lungs as I pictured the raging disappointment on their faces. No, I couldn’t do it.

Flix clapped his hands beside me as Alicia Silverstone and Paul Rudd kissed. “Oh em gee, I love this part.” He grinned and popped a buttery kernel into his mouth. The popcorn splurge had cost him an entire week’s worth of commissary money, but he insisted it had been worth every gelder. He’d even offered to share the bag with me because he felt so guilty about going comatose when Delacroix nabbed me. I had been a little pissed about that, but I couldn’t really fault the pixie for his reaction. The demented demon was scary AF. And at least he’d run off to alert Talon as soon as he and his minions had dragged me away.

Talon… After a week of spending every waking moment together, I hated to admit I actually missed the infuriating dragon.

I leaned over and nudged Dallas in the ribcage. “Can you at least tell me when they’re coming back?”

He didn’t even look at me, his focus remaining solely on Alicia Silverstone.


“What?” He whirled toward me, and a tear glistened on his cheek.

“Oh my gods! Are you crying over the ending of Clueless?”

The strapping vampire swept his finger under his eye and scowled. “I am not.”

A hysterical fit of laughter bubbled up in my gut, and I buckled over to keep it contained. Still, two female inmates turned in their seats and shushed me, their eyes shooting daggers. There weren’t many women in the fortress, but the few that called these obsidian walls home despised me. For no apparent reason.

“Ladies, ladies,” Dallas crooned, “that’s not necessary.” He twirled his index finger in the air, and the two witches pivoted forward once again.

“They’re just jealous,” whispered Flix. “Any female

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