Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,46

dragged me back.

“No!” I screeched, my fingernails clawing at the cement for purchase.

A brilliant purple flash illuminated the dark chamber, and the bastard cat’s hold on my calf relented enough for me to slip my leg free. I crawled toward the door as the triangle symbol on my arm flared, unleashing a current beneath my skin.

“Uh, uh, uh. Where do you think you’re going?” He lunged for me again, the momentary surprise of my glowing tattoo having worn off.

I reached for the door handle, throwing all my weight into it and swatted at him with my free hand. A blast of purple energy burst from my palm, and my assailant froze midstride. Literally.

The big mammoth stood immobile, a sinister twist to his lips and a murderous glare in his feline eyes.

What the freaky Friday was going on? Shaking my head out, I darted from the outhouse deciding I could dwell on this at a more appropriate time. I landed on the frozen lawn, and chilly fresh air slammed into me. I sucked in a breath as my eyes readjusted to the sunlight and the towering peaks surrounding the gated yard.

“Done already? I knew that panther was a two-pump chump.” A wiry blonde appeared from behind one of the other sheds and leered at me. Two more males flanked him, all wearing the blue of the water realm, Aquatica.

“I’d like to take a ride,” said the shorter one next to him, humming a tune under his breath. “I’ve heard once you go demon, you never go back.”

The three of them chuckled as my fingers curled into tight fists. A swirl of energy still skimmed my skin, the crux of it pulsating over my mark. If I could only figure out how to channel it—whatever it was. “Not a chance, scumbags,” I hissed.

I scanned the boneyard. The big mass of inmates had dispersed but still more than a dozen supes loitered around the compound. And two stood guard by the door back inside. Were they Delacroix’s men?

“Oh, feisty, I like that,” said blondie, grabbing his junk.

Oh, vomit.

“I think we could tag team this one, what you do think, Lisander?”

“I don’t mind sharing, you?”

The three of them nodded, and another burst of anger tightened my gut. “You guys are disgusting. I wouldn’t let any of you touch me with a ten-foot maypole.”

“How about a ten foot…” He stared down at his lower half and thrust his pelvis forward.

The slam of metal crashing against cement reverberated across the yard, and all four of us jerked toward the sound. Mistake. Big mistake. Have you learned nothing in prison, Azara?

The skinny blonde wrapped his arm around my neck as I was distracted and tugged my body against his. Something hard poked against my back. Eew. I hope that’s a pocketknife.

“Let go of her, Lisander.” A familiar deep voice boomed across the enclosure, and the tightness in my chest relented as my eyes landed on the pissed-off dragon stomping through the snow.

The crook of my captor’s elbow dug deeper into my throat, and I gasped. “Go home, Talon. This is none of your business. We’re just trying to have some fun.”

“Fun?” Talon’s pupils lengthened, and molten silver eclipsed his irises. He turned to me, his burning gaze sending a chill down my spine. Damn, my bunkie was scary. And for once I was glad. “Azara, are you having fun?”

“Hell, no. These psychos are disgusting.”

Lisander rubbed up against my back, and nausea crawled up my throat.

“Wrong move.” Silver flames streaked across Talon’s eyes, and he lunged. Lisander’s two friends darted in front of us, but they only blocked me for a second. Talon’s claws sprang from the tips of his fingers and he dragged the razor-sharp weapons across the two mers’ chests. Screams rang out, blood spurting from their torsos as they clutched their wounds and hit the ground.

Lisander’s choking grasp fell away and he staggered back, both hands up in the air. My knees wobbled. The reality of what almost happened twice now sent panic surging through my insides.

Talon’s eyes darted from me to the retreating Lisander, and he muttered a curse. My hands shot out to grab hold of something—anything. Darkness flickered along the edges of my vision and my body tensed, waiting for the smack of hard-packed snow atop cement. Murky black eclipsed my line of sight and I dropped—into a pair of unexpected arms.

“Dammit, Azara.” Brilliant silver orbs met mine for a second before I embraced the murky cold, allowing it to consume me.


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