Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,33


“Then why are you still alive?”

I didn’t think my eyes could possibly get any bigger, but I was fairly certain they did. “What the hell does that mean?”

“Azara, in here, you’re either with Delacroix or you’re not. And you’re a demon, in case you hadn’t noticed. It’s been five, six days since you arrived? And he hasn’t forced you to choose. That’s unheard of.”

“I thought that was because of you—or I mean, the three of you, the Triad or whatever.”

He shook his head, his jaw softening a fraction. “I’d like to believe that, but I don’t.” The fury streaking through his eyes waned, and he lowered himself onto the mattress. “Tell me what he wants from you.”

“I don’t know.”

His eyes narrowed, the anger rising once more.

“I swear, Talon. Yes, I did go see him to make a deal, but it was only to get a meeting with the warden. I had no idea it was Logan. I just wanted to get out of here.”

“And what did you promise Delacroix in return?”

“Carte blanche…” I muttered.

Talon’s fingers curled into tight fists and for a second, I thought he was going to punch me. “Are you insane?” he hissed.

“But he didn’t get me that meeting. I thought he had, but Logan said he came on his own. The Gargoyle Guardian Council sent him here to make Delacroix pay. To put an end to his mob rule; he’s not like the other warden.”

He grunted. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

My fingers dug into the coarse woolen blanket. “So now what?”

“Now you avoid Delacroix at all costs.”

“How am I going to do that?”

“I don’t know, but if he finds you, you better run. Striking a deal with Delacroix is almost as bad as striking one with the devil himself.”

I suppressed the grin threatening to spill across my face. If he only knew I understood a few things about dealing with the devil. Maybe it was time to call in my own favor.

Chapter Thirteen

My shoulders slumped as I trudged back from the second floor. According to the warden’s assistant, he was out of the office for the rest of the afternoon. I knew Logan lived somewhere on this compound, but I didn’t know where, and he hadn’t exactly given me access to his private quarters.

I needed to update him on my run in with Delacroix and hoped he’d help me get in touch with grandpa Luci. My insides twisted at the idea of telling anyone in my family what happened. I only prayed I’d be able to convince him to help me while keeping my dirty little secret.

Reaching the atrium, I glanced up at the clock above Sandrene’s commissary hut: thirty minutes left of free time. A line of inmates waiting to procure their goodies glared as I walked by. Most wore the tell-tale demon black jumpsuits, but it was a veritable assortment of supernatural Skittles. A lithe blonde with legs that went on for miles bent down to whisper something in her friend’s pointy ear, then they both shot daggers in my direction. What the Fae? Could they be pissed because of what I did to their faery brethren?

I hurried past them, trying not to focus on their glares or the Swiss chocolate bar a female shifter was digging into. My stomach rumbled. It had been days since I’d had real food. I’d have to remember to ask Luci for some cash for my commissary account.

I considered wandering around for the remainder of rec time, but swiftly shot that idea down considering there was an angry demon mob boss gunning for me. Instead, I opted for a quick shower.

After a pit stop at my empty cell for my towel and meager beauty products, I headed for the bathroom. My bunkies had been gone when I’d woken up in the morning, and I was secretly hoping they’d be back by now. Talon might’ve been a disagreeable beast and Hayden a pain in the butt, but it was better than complete boredom. My fallen angel bunkie had been nice enough to leave a note. Apparently, they were off doing some special work assignment with Actaeon. I couldn’t believe I was actually jealous of them for having work to do. My parents would be so proud. A knot of emotion thickened my throat, and I swallowed down the unexpected pang of loneliness. I couldn’t go home after what I’d done anyway. Pushing down the dismal thoughts, I wondered when I’d get a task assigned. It would beat

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