Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,22

eyes, I could feel his face inches from mine, his big arms on either side of my head and his knees straddling my thighs. I waited, frozen, for him to back off, but he didn’t.

The frosty fear melted, and heat swirled through my insides at his proximity. I squeezed my thighs together to quell the building intensity. Which made absolutely no sense since he was practically assaulting me—and a total dickhead. After an absurdly long few seconds, I pried my lids open.

A pair of molten silver irises bored into mine. Dark flecks of gray danced through the endless brilliant pools, and my breath hitched. And I wasn’t a hundred percent sure it was from fear.

Steeling my nerve, I narrowed my eyes. “I stopped, okay? Can you get off me now?”

The corner of his mouth twitched for a second before his scowl returned in full force. “You’re not in any position to make demands, demon.”

“I’ll scream if you don’t get off me in three seconds, Talon.”

He barked out a laugh. “You think anyone would come for you?”

Shitzu. I squirmed beneath him, but it was like trying to move the mountain this bloody prison was perched on.

“Relax,” he hissed as he pushed off the wall and leapt off me. “I might be many things, but a rapist isn’t one of them.”

A shuddering breath evacuated my lungs as I wrapped my arms across my white tank top. His eyes landed on my upper arm, and his dark brows knitted. Before he could say anything I pulled my jumpsuit all the way up, the zipper making a satisfying sound.

I wasn’t stupid enough to believe the cheap zipper would protect me from the monsters in this place, but somehow it made me feel better.

When I glanced up, Talon was still staring, his silvery eyes fixed on the sleeve of my jumpsuit. “What was that?”

“Now you want to talk to me? You’ve been a complete jackdragon since I woke up in here. Why should I tell you anything?”

He shook his head, the hint of a smile tipping the corners of his lips up. Then as if remembering who I was, his mouth twisted into his typical frown. “You’re right. Forget I asked.”

Talon turned back toward his bunk, but the sharp double buzzer stopped him in his tracks. He spun toward the invisible door as it slid open, but I shot out in front of him, beating him to the exit.

“Where are you going?” he growled as I darted into the hallway.

“Twice in one day?” I quirked a brow at the mercurial dragon. “What do you care anyway?”

“I care about this prison. This is my home for the foreseeable future and fresh bootie blood on the walls doesn’t do anything for me.”

Icy fingers crawled up my spine. As much as it sounded like a threat, I was fairly sure he was trying to look out for me. Or at least that’s what I hoped. “Relax, Talon. I can take care of myself. I’m a soul-sucking demon, remember?”

He grunted and raked his hand through his mussed-up hair. “Right.”

Before his oddly concerned face could stop me, I raced down the corridor as all the cells opened in a sort of domino effect. Most of our block was empty, I guessed that was another perk of my association with the Triad or maybe there just weren’t too many angels in lock-up.

I still wanted to know how Hayden had fallen. Did it have something to do with Lucifer? Did he follow my gramps when he fled God’s good graces? I usually kept my lineage on the downlow, but that tidbit of information could save my cute butt in prison. I’d save it as a last resort.

I continued my hurried pace until I reached the atrium that Flix had shown me yesterday. In the center sat a bored Sandrene, the same blank expression on her face as the day before. A few inmates were starting to line up to stock up on magical goods. I wiggled my fingers at her as I passed, but she didn’t even bat an eye.

Maybe she hadn’t recognized me without my bright orange scrubs.

Without wasting any more time, I circled the rotunda until I reached the door with the ominous number eight stamped over it. Somehow it was darker and bigger than the digits over the other doors. I stared at the biometric scanner embedded into the wall. Here goes nothing. Holding my breath, I waved my cuff over the scanner.

A green light lit up and a

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