Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,12

information to process later when I wasn’t a chew toy in the middle of a brewing turf war.

“That’s because she was placed in ours.” Hayden stepped forward, nudging me with his thick bicep. Dallas flanked me, and dread swirled in my gut.

Heavy footfalls reverberated across the suddenly silent mess hall, and dozens of inmates encircled us. I couldn’t help but notice they were all huddled behind the hellus demon.

“Since when does the Triad take interest in a low-level demon?” Delacroix’s dark gaze scoured over me.

“I don’t answer to you, Delacroix,” Talon snarled, and the tiny hairs at the back of my neck stood on end. “Besides, you have more than enough minions on your payroll.” He ticked his head at the mob of mostly Underworlders amassed behind him. “You don’t need this one; she’s a half-blood anyway.”

Ouch. “Excuse me.” I moved between the two males and interrupted their macho posturing. “I’m right here. Stop talking about me like I’m some helpless girl who can’t make her own decisions.”

“Settle down, pumpkin,” Hayden muttered through clenched teeth. “You have no idea what you’re getting in the middle of here.”

I took a step back and crossed my arms over my chest. I refused to let these two battle it out over me like I was some sort of prized cow. I knew prison gangs were a thing, but I didn’t plan on being here long enough to join one.

Delacroix’s nostrils flared, and his dark lips twisted as if he’d smelled something foul. “Nevertheless, just the fact that you and your brothers want her, Talon, makes me think there’s more to this pretty little thing than you’re admitting.” He ran a hooked claw down my arm and set off a tidal wave of goosebumps. “And half-blood or not, she must have some powerful demon blood rushing through her veins if she took out an entire Fae village.”

Chapter Six

All the air siphoned from my lungs in an excruciating instant. I did what? I squeezed my eyes shut as my breath came in ragged spurts. A face flashed across my mind—strawberry blonde hair, pointy ears, her mouth open as a wisp of essence swirled in the air… and the screams. Oh gods, the screams.

I clapped my hands over my ears, but I couldn’t drown out the sound. My legs wobbled and a sharp pain slammed up my knees as I hit the ground. I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. My chest tightened with each inhale until darkness crept into the corners of my vision.

“Azara! Azara, get up.” A sharp sting streaked across my cheek, and my eyes snapped open. “Pull yourself together,” the same deep voice growled.

I did as instructed and met a pair of fierce silver eyes.

“Come on, pumpkin.” Hayden’s arm curled around mine, and he lifted me off the floor.

I muttered incoherently as tears tracked down my cheeks—one of which still stung like a B. Did Talon slap me? The mass of supes dispersed as Hayden and Dallas tugged me toward a table in the back. I could vaguely make out Talon’s broad shoulders leading the way.

I could practically feel dozens of eyes searing into the back of my head. So much for not letting them see me cry. Appearing weak in prison was like a death sentence. Everyone knew that. Nice job, Azara. On the plus side, my freak out had broken up the impending brawl.

Hayden dropped me into the hard plastic chair, and my body sagged into it like my bones had been replaced by jello. “You okay, little demon?” His brilliant blue eyes floated in front of mine.

I shook my head. All the words stuck to the back of my throat. Delacroix had to have been lying. I couldn’t have consumed the souls of an entire village… could I?

Hayden folded his tall frame into the seat beside me, and Talon and Dallas sat across from us. I couldn’t summon the nerve to look up.

The three of them whispered among themselves as if Delacroix’s revelation about what I’d done meant nothing. Like I’d just eaten a couple dozen donuts instead of Fae lives.

I had to know the truth. Swallowing hard, I turned to Talon. He wouldn’t sugar coat it for me. “Is it true? What Delacroix said?”

His dark brows slammed together, an indecipherable expression crossing the hard planes of his face. “You’re joking, right?”

“No, I’m not,” I screeched. I slurped in a quick breath to tone down my squeaky voice. “I wasn’t kidding when I said I had no idea what I

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