Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,80

I focused on Hayden. He was the first inmate that was nice to me when I arrived at Darkblood. His angel healing power had saved my life from our last jaunt in the Underworld. I owed him this.

Hayden. Hayden. Hayden.

A murky, dilapidated room appeared across my mind, and the sharp stench of spoiled meat filled my nostrils. What in the world? I tried to look around the dark space, but I could only see straight ahead. I squeezed my eyes tighter, and bits of conversations flew across my mind.

Damned demons.

Where are those guys?

This sucks.

My eyes popped open, and my pulse quickened. “I think I got him!”

“Find out where they are.”

Hayden, can you hear me? Hayden?

What the heavens? The angel’s voice echoed across my mind.

It’s me, Azara. Can you hear me?

Um, yeah. Are you in my head? This is crazy weird, pumpkin.

A smile broke across my face at my once hated nickname. Are you okay? Where are you guys?

Yeah, we’re fine. Dallas already died once, but he’s back now. We’re on the third floor, had to move up a level when the demons kept multiplying.

Okay, hold tight, we’re coming for you.

I tuned out of Hayden’s mind and turned to Talon who was leaning up against the fence between the old brownstones. “They’re safe and on the third level.” I glanced up at the tall building. “You going to fly us up--?”

His massive silver wings snapped out before I finished my sentence, their scintillating scales glistening under the dim streetlamps. “Already a step ahead of you.”

The click-clack of footsteps against cement jerked my attention toward the front of the house. My eyes widened as they took in the enormous white wolf. Holy werewolves! The animal stopped, sniffed the air, then sat on its haunches.

“Is that Vander?” I squeaked.

“Sure is.”

“You were right, he’s closer to the size of a pony than a husky.”

“Yup.” He squinted and peered down the passageway. “Looks like your cloaking spell is holding well. Vander’s got a nose like no other supe I’ve ever met.”

“Should I drop it?”

He shook his head. “I’ve got a better idea. Bring him in under the cloak, and I’ll go check on the situation upstairs.”

“No! This is my first mission, Talon. I’m not sitting this one out.”

“I’m not asking you to. I just want you to wait while I scope things out. Do I need to remind you what happened last time?”

I popped my hands on my hips and glared up at him. “That was a low blow, jerk.”

“I’d rather have you mad at me than risk losing you.” His piercing molten gaze locked on me, and I was useless to resist. They melted my insides and turned me into a quivering mess. I was falling for this guy way too hard and too fast.

“Fine,” I muttered. “But you be careful too.” I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my mouth to his. It was quick, but the fiery intensity sent heat racing down my lower half.

He broke the kiss, leaving me needy and wanting so much more. “I’ll be back soon.” He stepped outside of the glowing orb, and my chest tightened. He’s going to be fine. I repeated the mantra over and over again as I approached the gigantic wolf.

I wished I knew a spell to unshift someone. I wasn’t too thrilled about pulling the hairy beast into my protective bubble. What if the animal didn’t recognize me? I thought back to my close encounters with Talon’s dragon—I’d never feared him. He’d recognized me from the start.

Here goes nothing. I drew in a steeling breath and reached for the wolf.

The moment my hand touched his soft fur, the cloaking shield closed around him. His big amber eyes widened as I appeared out of nowhere. He sniffed the air and chuffed, then a low growl cut the silence as his hackles raised.

“It’s me, Vander. Azara. Please don’t eat me.”

His dark lupine lips curled into a smile. The air vibrated around him until nothing but a white blur remained. I lowered my gaze to the ground, already prepared for the nakedness that came next.

“Nice shield,” said Vander, tugging my eyes to him.

“Thanks.” I kept my gaze trained above his neck, his light caramel-skin blotting out the majority of my vision.

“What took you guys so long to get here?” Vander’s eyes narrowed as they raked over me. “I’ve been scoping the house out for the past ten minutes. I couldn’t get past the horde of demons on the first floor.”

“Subway trouble. It broke down after

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