Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,75

lips over my cheek. “You be careful too.”

Heat raced up my neck and fanned across my face at the sneak-attack kiss. What was that? Before I could say a word, he darted down the street, peeling his clothes off as he ran. Coward! How could he do something like that and leave me to suffer a surly dragon?

Talon cleared his throat and released his hold on my hand, crossing his big arms over his chest. “Looks like you guys are getting along well.”

“Just like you and Vessa,” I bit out.

That was nothing. His voice echoed in my mind.

Liar. I couldn’t help the retort from popping in my head.

“What did you just say?” he asked.

“I didn’t say anything.”

Yes, you did.

I stopped in my tracks and yanked on Talon’s arm. “Oh, my gods! I heard your thoughts and I think you heard mine. Did we just have a conversation in our heads?”

“It’s not possible. I’m not in my dragon form and the bond is gone…”

I could’ve sworn a hint of sadness laced his tone, but I couldn’t focus on that right now. “Think of something and don’t say it out loud.”

This is stupid. His voice came through clear as day.

No, you’re stupid! The thought flew by without my consent.

Talon’s eyes bulged out of his head, like two glowing silver orbs. “I heard you. You responded to my thought and I heard you.”

Now it was my turn to look like a crazy bug-eyed cartoon character. “We can hear each other?”

“Let’s try it again,” he said. How old are you?

Nineteen. How old are you?

Talon raked his hand through his hair as he stared wide-eyed. Twenty-three. How is this happening?

“I have no idea,” I blurted.

“Even when the bond was between us, I could only project to you. How could it have become two-way now?”

“No. Idea.”

He stared down at me, his silver gaze boring into me, like he was trying to find the answers in my eyes.

“I swear I don’t know, Talon. This isn’t like the other family secret stuff. I really have no idea.” Crap. My mind raced through the list of warlock powers – but GG didn’t have telepathic abilities. Did he?

The crease between his brows deepened, and a vein popped in his forehead.

“What are you doing?” I shouted when his face turned so red it looked like his head would pop.

“I’m trying to read your mind like before.”

Double crap. I was just thinking about warlock powers. Ack! There I go again. I pressed my hands to my temples to stop my rambling thoughts. “Did you hear anything?”

“No. Nothing.”

Phew. “It must only work when I initiate the conversation or something.”

“Maybe.” He tapped his foot on the sidewalk, and his lips twisted into a pout. “We gotta go. We’ll have to figure this out later.”

“Fine by me.”

We took off at a jog until we reached the subway station on Amsterdam. Talon sped down the stairs, taking them three at a time as I struggled to keep up behind him. He jumped right over the turnstile as I searched my pocket for loose change. Oh right. I don’t have any because I’m a prisoner.

“Just jump,” Talon called out as the rumble of the approaching subway vibrated the cracked tile beneath my feet.

“I’m human. What if they track me down?” The last thing I needed was a fine for not paying for a subway ticket.

The roar of the oncoming train grew louder, and my heart rammed against my ribs.

“Jump!” he shouted.

Son of a biscuit! I grabbed the railings and leapt over the turnstile just as the subway rolled into the station, the sharp keening sound of brakes ringing out across the platform. We darted through the doors and slid into an empty bench with my heart up my throat as the train lurched forward. I drew in a deep breath and got a mouthful of stale air and body odor. Bleh.

The subway car was empty, which made sense given the pre-dawn hour. Ten stops, and we’d be there. I kept my fingers crossed that Dallas and Hayden would be okay. They’d become like family to me.

“I thought you were eighteen.” Talon’s voice pulled me from my inner musings.

“I was.” I shrugged. I’d never been much for birthdays, and this year mine had particularly sucked. “It was my birthday while I was unconscious in the infirmary. Didn’t even realize I’d missed it until a few days later. Hard to keep track of time behind bars.”

His face grew serious, and I had to resist the urge to poke around

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