Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,60

shadow. “What’s up, Warden?”

“I just got off the phone with the SIA director and wanted to bring you all up to speed.”

Talon jumped down from the top bunk and moved to my side. No familiar tingle when his shoulder brushed mine. I bit back the sigh building in my throat. After cursing that blood bond for weeks, I never thought I’d miss it so much.

“What’s going on?” Talon asked.

“Given that Vander’s cover has been blown, it will be difficult for him to assume operations within the SIA.”

Talon’s shoulders drooped, and this time I didn’t need the bond to read his feelings.

“However, in speaking, we came up with an idea that could work for now. He can remain here at Darkblood Prison and help out with our little demon problem.”

“But Delacroix already knows he’s an agent,” I interjected. I wasn’t sure how I felt about having Vander here. Which was selfish, but still, the guy spied on me for two whole years. It was weird.

“I don’t think he knows what Vander looks like,” said Logan. “Regardless, I’m fairly sure he knows about the whole Triad. For whatever reason, he’s chosen not to share that information with the rest of his crew. So for now, we’ll hope that holds true.” He shrugged and let out a slow breath. “Unfortunately, there aren’t many options left for Vander right now. It’ll take a while for the SIA to build him a new backstory and discredit Thax’s claims. Hopefully, in a few months he’ll be able to return to active duty, but for now, it’s the best we’ve got.”

From the corner of my eye, I glanced up at Talon. I thought he’d be happy to have his brother around, but his face was an undecipherable mask.

“Let me guess, I’ve got a new bunkie?” asked Dallas with a smirk.

“That’s right, my friend.” Logan shot him a smile right back. “I considered putting him in staff quarters, but he said he preferred to be down here with you guys.”

What if he was still spying on me, and this was all part of the plan? It was a stray thought, but it flitted through my mind, nonetheless.

“Let’s meet up in the coming days and go from there. I know Talon and Azara will be spending more time at SIA headquarters for training, so Vander will be a good addition.”

We all nodded, and Logan headed toward the door with a quick wave.

Hayden dug his elbow into Talon’s ribs and winked. “Dallas and I have some training to do, so we’ll leave you two to figure out your own entertainment.”

“Thanks,” Talon muttered.

The butterflies came back ten-fold as I stood there watching my vampire and angel buffers saunter out of our cell. Traitors!

Talon nudged me and ticked his head at my bed, and the mad flapping only got worse. “So we can sit and talk,” he said as if he’d suddenly realized what his gesture had provoked in my gut. I nodded stupidly and sank into the squeaky mattress. Talon folded down next to me, and the entire left side of the bed dipped beneath his weight. “It’s good to have you back.”

“Thanks. It’s kinda strange to say, but it’s good to be home.”

He smiled, but a hint of sadness lined his strong jaw.

I steeled my nerve and spat out the sentence I’d been practicing in my head since yesterday. “Look, I know the blood bond made us feel certain things that maybe we wouldn’t have felt otherwise…”

He shifted beside me, his thigh rubbing up against my leg. I waited with bated breath for the tingles, but they never came. My chest tightened, the hollow in my core intensifying.

“I don’t want you to feel obligated to anything,” I continued when he still didn’t speak. His eyes were locked on the glass straight ahead, that tendon in his jaw working but never actually saying anything. His silence spoke volumes. It obliterated my last shred of hope that there was anything more than the blood bond between us. Or at least on his side.

So I slammed on the brakes and did what I knew how to do best. Run. Despite the crushing pain in my heart, I forced the words from my mouth. “Because I don’t feel anything anymore, so you don’t have to feel obligated. I know that must be a big relief for you.” I plastered a smile on my face as he slowly turned to face me.

“You don’t?”

I whipped my head back and forth, keeping my gaze trained to my

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