Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,49

ears flopped over their shoulders. My magical orb hovered over my head, providing just enough light to make out the long tusks protruding from the demons’ foreheads and the glint of sharp teeth hidden behind resting maws.

Talon reached the first one, and I held my breath. His talon swept across the narkin’s neck so quickly, it was nothing but a blur. Blood spurted out, and the creature’s massive head rolled to the floor.

The thunk of its skull against the concrete stopped my heart mid-beat. Talon froze in place, his eyes intent on the other narkin. The guard squirmed, and his gruff snore filled the air.

I waited with bated breath as Talon loomed over the second creature. He took a step toward him, and the narkin’s eyes snapped open.

Chapter Eighteen


The guard leapt to his feet and lowered his head, pointing its ivory tusks at Talon’s eyes.

“Watch out!” I screeched.

Talon pivoted to the right, and the narkin’s sharp horn nicked his shoulder instead. He didn’t even flinch as he slashed his claw across the demon’s chest. Blood poured from the creature’s torso as Talon pulled back a crimson-stained fist. The foot soldier opened his mouth, but my hand shot out from behind the wall and a swirl of energy flickered from my fingertips as I muttered, “Silencium.”

The narkin’s eyes bugged out as his jaw hung open, not a sound emanating from his mouth. Talon took advantage of the guard’s surprise and wrapped his hands around its monstrous skull. With a quick twist, the crunch of bone snapping echoed across the hallway and the narkin crumpled to the floor.

A chill rushed up my spine at the sickening sound.

Without missing a beat, Talon signaled for me to come out of my hiding spot. I tiptoed over the bodies and joined him in front of the door which presumably led to Vander’s cell.

“Thanks for the assist,” he whispered.

“No problem.”

Talon bent down and grabbed the key ring hanging from the dead narkin’s belt. He leaned into the door, pressing his ear to the decaying timber. “Seems clear.” He paused and scanned the mangled bodies splayed across the floor. Then he turned to me again. “Maybe you can do your mental magic thing and search for any brain waves in there?”

I nodded and scooted closer to the door. Clearing my mind, I searched for any stray thoughts. I found Talon’s immediately, his were always the easiest to decipher. I wondered if it was the bond or something else. Pushing his anxious thoughts to the side, I searched further. Nothing. Only silence as far as I could tell.

“I don’t hear anything,” I finally said.

“Not even Vander?”

I shook my head but didn’t voice what we were both thinking. Either he wasn’t in there or he wasn’t conscious. I didn’t want to consider the possibilities of the former or the latter.

“I’m going in. You wait here and keep watch.”

“Seriously?” I couldn’t help the whiny twinge.

His hands gripped my shoulders as his eyes fastened to mine. “This isn’t some lame attempt at keeping you safe. I don’t know what kind of shape Vander will be in, and I need you to give me a head’s up if more guards show.”

“Oh.” Heat seeped up my neck and blossomed across my cheeks. “Okay. I got your back.”

He rewarded me with a crooked grin before pivoting to the door once again. He slid the key into the lock, and a sharp keening sound froze the blood in my veins. After an endless minute of waiting for a troupe of guards to storm the hallway, I finally breathed again. So much for protecting their high-value prisoner.

Talon yanked the iron handle, and the door slowly creaked open. He skulked in as I waited in the archway, one eye on him and the other down the dark corridor. He turned the corner and disappeared a moment later, only his faint footsteps keeping me company.

From my limited view, the dark shadows of iron manacles hanging from the closest wall caught my eye. In the center of the room sat a long wooden table with rusted metal cuffs dangling from both ends. A few more chairs were scattered across the space, also equipped with fastening devices. This was definitely some sort of medieval torture chamber. Un-freakin-believable.

“Vander…” Talon’s tortured hiss twisted up my insides.

I peered around the door in time to see Talon hoisting a large body over his shoulder. Oh gods, what if Vander was dead? I chased the awful thought from my mind and focused on the motionless

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