Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,41

reside’ within the walls of the penitentiary at least three days a week. This will allow you to keep up your pretense as an inmate.”

I nodded blankly as I scanned the tower of loose-leaf.

Maxim handed me a small booklet next, the deep blue insignia of the SIA stamped across the top. “These are the rules and regulations. Make sure you familiarize yourself with them. You’ll be tested on procedures in a week’s time.”

“Got it.”

“Talon, when can we begin training her with the squad?”

He cleared his throat and rested his elbows on the desk. “I’ll need a few days at least. I’m working on something regarding Delacroix in the prison, and I’ll need to focus my attention there for now.”

“Fine. I’ll let Ella know to expect the two of you back by next week.”

Or three of us, if everything with rescuing Vander went according to plan.

Talon stood, and I followed suit, hugging the booklet and pages of loose-leaf to my chest. “Thank you, sir,” I muttered. “I promise you won’t be sorry you took a chance on me.”

He offered a tight smile in return. “I hope not, Azara.”

I traipsed behind Talon through the director’s foyer and out into the generic white halls of the SIA. The tension between my shoulder blades immediately waned, and I let out a sigh.

“You did well today.” Talon kept his eyes straight ahead, and I followed his lead. I couldn’t imagine fraternizing with fellow agents was allowed. I was sure it would be clearly outlined in the rule book hugged to my chest.

“Thanks,” I muttered. “It almost felt too easy though, ya know?”

He leaned closer and whispered, “I’m friends with the guy who picks the opponents for the trials. I made sure he took it easier on you today.”

My eyes widened, and a swirl of emotion tightened my chest. “You did that for me?” I knew what a stickler to the rules Talon was and bending them even just a smidge made my heart melt.

“And for me,” he murmured. “I couldn’t let all of this time I’ve put into you go to waste.”

I jabbed my elbow into his side, and he chuckled. The elusive, smooth sound was sweet and addictive. I wanted more of the happy-go-lucky Talon, but honestly, even the surly one had gotten under my skin. I grinned as we walked side by side in a comfortable silence toward the exit.

The tap-tap of heels on tile echoed across the wide corridor, drawing my attention to the cute blonde rushing toward us. “There you guys are! I’m so glad I didn’t miss you.” Ella threw Talon a flirty smile, her hand immediately finding its way to his arm. “How’d it go, T?”

My cousin didn’t even look at me, which I supposed was just to keep up our act, but damn, was she a good little actress.

“Great, she passed,” Talon answered. “We’ll be back for training in a few days.”

She clapped, bouncing up on the balls of her feet. “Does that mean you and the guys will be back too?”

He nodded. “We will be a few days a week. I think it’s important for the team to train together.”


“Looks like I’ll be shadowing you, Ella,” I interjected when I got tired of being ignored.

“Yes, that’s what the director had mentioned if you proved capable.”

“Oh, I’m more than capable,” I snapped.

Her pretty pink lips twisted into a pout. “You were right, T, she is feisty.”

I seared Talon with a sidelong glance. He’s been talking to my cousin about me?

“She’s good too, just needs to hone her skills.” His hand came up to rest on the small of my back, but he jerked it back at the last second. My cousin didn’t miss a thing though. Her darting eyes caught the slip up, and her perfectly manicured brows knitted.

She cleared her throat and turned her attention back to Talon. “I’m glad to hear it. Things are getting pretty dicey in the human world. Most of the bigger cities are getting overrun by Underworlders. Maybe she can give us the edge we need against her ill-mannered kin.”

I rolled my eyes. Hard. It wasn’t like I was related to all the demon scum out there. After the pang of the initial insult passed, I mulled over her words. I’d been so wrapped up in my own drama, I had no idea what was going on in the human world. Mom and Dad could take care of themselves, but still. I didn’t like the idea of my home getting ravaged by

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