Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,39

you? As if my thoughts had summoned him, his voice resounded in my head.

I’d been down here for too long. I had to go now before my dragon bodyguard lost it. “I have to go,” I blurted. For a second, I’d completely forgotten about my appointment with Maxim at the SIA. I couldn’t be late for my magic test. “When can you get me the info I need?”

“I’ll be in touch in the next day or so. Make sure you make yourself reachable this time.”

“Sure, no problem.” I spun on my heel and raced down the dim tunnels. Talon’s fear was rolling through my insides like a tidal wave. The emotion was so acute it was like a steel band across my lungs.

I reached the secret entryway to the closet and hurtled through, shoving brooms and mops out of the way as thundering bangs shook the door.

“Azara! Azara!” Talon’s shouts vibrated the small space.

“I’m coming!” I whipped the door open and Talon barreled into me, his massive arms yanking me into his chest.

His eyes were wide, panic streaking across those expressive irises. From over his shoulder, I could just make out the bodies of Delacroix’s entourage splayed across the floor. “Gods, Azara, I thought something happened to you.” His breath was warm against my ear as he nuzzled my neck.

“I’m okay.”

“Where’s Delacroix?” he scanned the dark closet.

I pointed at the spot on the wall where the secret entrance had been, but it had vanished. “Through there. There was a door, but it’s gone now.”

“I don’t even care.” He crushed me against his torso and pulled the door closed behind him. His lips descended on mine, the fire of hell nothing compared to the smolder of his mouth ravaging my own. He pushed me back, his body driving into me and I toppled over a tower of buckets before hitting the wall.

I groaned against his lips as his fiery kisses consumed me, his hands exploring every inch of my body. His rough fingers dug into my hips, and I arched toward him. His lips moved from my mouth down my neck and settled along the sensitive spot above my collarbone.

A raging fire burned in my lower half, one that only Talon could satisfy. My brain urged my lips to speak, to tell him what Delacroix had confirmed, but with his tongue running over my flesh, I was having a hard time putting thoughts together let alone forming complete sentences.

I hitched my arms around Talon’s neck and drew his mouth to mine once more. Each stroke of his tongue against my own brought me closer to the edge. When his hands moved to my zipper, I was sure I’d explode. The zip rang out in the quiet room muddled by our haggard breaths. Talon peeled off my jumpsuit so it hung low on my hips and slipped his hands beneath my tank top. Hundreds of tiny sparks lit up my flesh everywhere he touched. Palming my behind with his large hands, he wrapped my legs around his waist and his hardness rubbed against the volcano brewing in my lower half.

I shamelessly ground my hips against it, reveling in the building storm. I wanted nothing more than to unsheathe his dragon, but that would bring consequences neither of us was ready for. Whatever was growing between us was purely physical—or at least that’s what I told myself and triggering a mate bond would take this to whole other level.

I moaned as he hit my spot over and over again, driving me closer to the point of no return. His lips moved from my mouth to my ear, and he whispered, “Let go, Azara.” The heat of his breath ghosted over the shell of my ear and ignited a wave of goose bumps over my skin. I bucked against him, and an explosion wracked my core.

Talon held me tighter as I wriggled, aftershocks vibrating within me and curling my toes.

Holy dragon babies! My legs were like rubber as they slid off his waist. He gently lowered me to the ground, holding my hands. My knees wobbled, but he held me upright snaking his arms around my waist.

“That wasn’t bad,” I rasped out.

He laughed, the deep sound rumbling his chest and bringing a ridiculous smile to my face. “Imagine what the real thing would be like.”

Heat rose to my cheeks then made a beeline to my lower half. Yup, it would be amazing. I tugged my jumpsuit back up as I attempted to clear the

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