Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,18

propped against the opposite wall, and the two shifters in a trembling heap. Talon loomed over the two males, his massive wings draped behind him and fire dancing on his fingertips. “You tell Delacroix to forget Azara exists, do not look at her, do not think about her. If he comes near her again, I’ll shove my claw down his throat, dig around his insides and drag his heart out of his mouth. And that goes for any of his crew. Do you understand me?”

The two still-conscious males nodded.

He bent down and seared them with a narrowed glare. He blew out a breath, and a flame hovered from his lips. “I need to hear you say it.”

The males’ eyes widened in horror. “We understand,” they choked out in unison.

“Now get out of here and spread the word. I took it easy on you guys before, but my patience has ended.”

The pair wobbled as they stood, blood spattering their jumpsuits.

“And take your friends.” Talon ticked his head at the fallen succubus and Fae.

The guys scrambled to the floor, limping, and forced their friends up.

I was relieved when the succubus clung onto the shifter’s shoulder. She was definitely hurting, but at least I hadn’t killed her.

I wasn’t sure why I cared.

Chapter Seven

The silent, dark, pre-wake-up-call halls did nothing to quell my nerves as Talon and I trudged toward the basement. After yesterday’s surprise attack, I wasn’t feeling my best for today’s big meeting with the SIA. Neither was my dragon escort based on the steady stream of anxiety trickling through the bond.

We hadn’t talked much after we got back to our cell last night. I couldn’t get the desperate look in his eyes out of my mind. It was like he actually cared about me.

I chased the errant thought away. This blood bond was screwing with both our minds.

Rubbing my shoulder, I followed Talon down the steps to the training room. Today instead of flying, we’d be traveling by portal. I didn’t even know we had warlock guards on property but apparently there were two, one stationed at each tower. One of them was meeting us today at the end of the secret tunnel to send us to SIA headquarters.

I’d tried to convince Logan to let me give it a try, but he didn’t think showing off my possible-warlock powers was a good idea. He was probably right, but I was itching to give them another whirl.

To be safe I’d practiced GG’s “thy will be done” incantation a few times last night before passing out. I had a hard time keeping my eyes open. That succubus was tougher than she looked.

Talon opened the secret door to the Triad’s mini SIA headquarters off the training room, and I trailed in behind him. He released the door before I’d made it all the way through and I was so lost in my thoughts, it slammed into my shoulder.

“Ow!” I squealed.

He whirled back and whipped the door open, as his scrutinizing gaze raked over me. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I rubbed at my left shoulder again. “Just a little sore from yesterday’s tussle with the scrappy succubus. I shouldn’t have let her corner me like that.”

“Locasta’s no innocent flower. She’s tougher than most of the males in here, which is how she got on Delacroix’s crew. You handled yourself well.”

My eyes nearly bugged out of my head. “Was that an actual compliment?”

His jaw tightened. “I was merely stating a fact. Don’t let it go to your head, one thirty-eight.”

“Ugh, are we back to that again?”

“I said I wouldn’t call you by your prisoner number while we were at SIA headquarters. I didn’t agree to anything while we’re here.”

“Does this even really count as Darkblood Prison property?”

He was already mumbling the words of the spell that opened the next secret door into the subterranean tunnels. “Yes,” he called out over his shoulder.

I glanced down at the nasty scar along my forearm. It didn’t exactly go with my tattoo, but maybe it would enhance my prison cred. I wondered how long it would remain. Hayden still hadn’t returned from his latest SIA mission so he couldn’t work his magical healing on my cuts and bruises. He’d been getting called away from his prison duties to assist slayer squads in the human world. Apparently, my Underworlder cousins were running amuck, and Luci wasn’t doing a thing to keep them in check.

“How’s your arm?” His eyes locked on my torn flesh, and his lips twisted. A shadow of the intensity I’d

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