Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,14

the stairwell, the pounding of familiar heavy footfalls echoed from the opposite end of the corridor. We jogged the last few yards on tiptoes to meet Talon where he’d left us.

“Thank you,” I mouthed to Ella as the burly dragon appeared over my shoulder.

“Dammit, Azara. It’s not back there. Do you know how expensive that cuff is? If you lost it—”

I flashed him my wrist with the sleek device back in place. “I found it. Sorry. I guess it slipped out of my pocket in the bathroom. Agent Ella helped me find it.”

“Thank you, Ella.” He gave my cousin a sweet smile, and my insides soured.

Was there something going on between them? I shoved down the unwanted burst of jealousy again. Stupid blood bond. I’d considered telling Ella that little tidbit but something about it felt wrong. Like it was something private that shouldn’t be shared with just anyone.

“Ready to head back, Azara?”

“Not really,” I grumbled. As stressful as this day had been, it beat life in Darkblood a hundred times over.

His fingers curled around my bicep, and my tattoo blazed to life. The purple hue lit up the spaces between his fingers and both he and Ella stared at the mystical light.

My cousin’s nostrils flared, and for a moment I wondered if she could sense our grandfather’s magic. From what Mom had said, GG wasn’t very close to his Fae daughters or their children. “That’s a neat trick,” she finally whispered.

I hadn’t exactly had time to tell her about my bound powers, but maybe I didn’t have to tell her everything just yet.


“See you, Ella. Good luck with your training.”

“Thanks, T. We miss you around here. Hopefully, you’ll be back soon.”

Talon tugged me forward, and I waved at Ella over my shoulder. “Come on, let’s go before your magic accidentally slips out and something bad happens.”

“Always so negative.” I shook my head at my grumpy bodyguard, and his lip twitched, but he schooled it back into a frown before it had the chance to reveal that ridiculously cute dimple.

Chapter Six

“Congratulations, you passed.”

I stared up at Talon and rubbed my eyes, trying to chase the sleep away. “Passed what?” I tugged at the strap of my thin tank top and couldn’t help but think about the luxurious fabric I’d worn only three days ago. It wasn’t fair that I was back in prison scrubs again.

“The SIA preliminary background check,” huffed Talon as if it were so obvious. Now I knew where he’d been all day yesterday.

The past few days had been completely uneventful and with my dragon shadow gone, way too boring. Which I hated admitting. Our playful-slash-hateful banter at least provided some distraction and entertainment. “So now what?” I pushed the blanket back and hopped out of bed.

Hayden’s rumbling snores filled the back of the room. That angel could sleep through anything. So much for keeping an eye on me while my bodyguard was gone.

Talon folded his massive body onto my mattress, dwarfing the small frame. “Now you have to pass a series of physical tests, a written one and a week-long training session.”

“That doesn’t seem so bad.” Unless my warlock powers decide to make a cameo.

“I’m sure you’ll do fine after training with me.”

“Geez, conceited much?”

He barked out a laugh, and I nearly died of shock. I couldn’t believe I’d coaxed a chuckle from the stoic dragon. “I was being serious, actually. My training methods are the same as the ones you’ll encounter at the SIA.”

Heat rushed my cheeks. “Oh…” That made sense. “So, maybe we should get in a training session today?” Now that Talon was back a nervous energy surged through my insides. It was definitely because of the bond but annoying, nonetheless.

“Not today, one thirty-eight.”

Oh great, we were back to that.

“Why not?”

He shrugged. “I’m tired. I spent the last two days training with Ella, and she worked me pretty good.”

A burst of jealousy ignited in my core, and the mad rush of my own blood roared across my eardrums. What the hell? I inhaled a deep breath and tried to tamp down on the fiery sensations.

I glanced up, and a knowing smile tipped Talon’s lips.

No, no, no. So embarrassing!

“I wasn’t—it wasn’t because of you…”

He shook his head and waved his hand nonchalantly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

At least he wasn’t going to rub my insane jealousy in my face. I released a breath, and my cheeks cooled. I drew in another long gulp of air and stifled the churning in my gut.

“Are you

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