Dark Wolf (Spirit Wild) - By Kate Douglas Page 0,26

wasn’t angry. She was sexually aroused and had made it very clear she wanted him. No games. No pretense, but it made no sense. None at all. She wasn’t anything like any other woman he’d known.

She was better. A million times better.

He took the key from her hand and unlocked the front door. Held it open for her. Lily turned and smiled as she stepped inside. Her shawl trailed over one shoulder in a shimmer of copper and crimson, the colors slipping in and out of her aura.

He barely noticed the tastefully decorated entry, the large living room, or the subtle lighting that gave everything a soft yet welcoming glow. No, there was only Lily, glowing brighter than everything else.

She filled his senses.

“I always feel like I need a shower after a run,” she said.

How the hell could she sound so carefree? So entirely relaxed and casual? He blinked like an idiot. Shower?

“Would you care to join me?”

It wasn’t often that a woman got the better of him, but Sebastian stopped in his tracks and stared at her. “Lily?” He sighed and shook his head. She was so far ahead of him, he wasn’t even in the race, but at least his soft chuckle made her grin. “Please tell me, in simple words, what the fuck’s going on?”

She grabbed his hands and leaned close, pressed her mouth against his, and surprised him with a sharp nip of his lower lip. “You must not read the gossip rags,” she whispered. Her mouth stayed so close, he felt her lips moving against his. “Chanku are not human. We are creatures ruled by our strong sex drive. Our very strong sex drive. After a run, arousal peaks, and believe me, it’s especially powerful tonight. I promise you, the sex will be incredible.”

She stood back and sighed. “I could masturbate, but it’s not nearly as much fun, not when I’ve got a gorgeous man I find terribly appealing standing in my foyer. I won’t get pregnant. I’m immune to human disease, and I want you. From the look in your eyes and the obvious erection in your trousers, I’m guessing you want me, too. It will be fun, Sebastian.” She grinned. “C’mon, big guy. Let your hair down.”

He laughed and wrapped his arms around her. She slipped into his embrace as if they’d been lovers forever. “Let my hair down? That sounds like something my father might say, only he’s much too uptight.”

“It is something my father says. In fact, give me a minute.” She slipped out of his embrace and closed her eyes. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She’d clasped her hands over her flat belly and raised her head, but he felt a buzzing in his mind and wondered if she communicated with someone.

He was trying to figure out how to read her thoughts when she wasn’t actually projecting, but then her eyes flashed open and she smiled. “I had to let Dad know I’m okay. He tends to hover, and he’d caught my distress earlier. I suggested that if he continued hovering, he might see more than he wants.”

Sebastian ignored her reference to his behavior—they’d have to talk about that later—but he wanted to know more about her link with her father. “His mind is that strong? He’s in Montana, right?” That made no sense at all. Sebastian and his father could barely communicate across a room.

“He uses a combination of his Chanku abilities and his skills as a wizard, but we’ve always had a very close connection. He worries about me.” She laughed. “He’s an excellent worrier. But no more about my father, especially when he’s promised to leave me alone. Knowing him, he won’t hold his promise for long.” She grabbed Sebastian’s hand and tugged.

She didn’t have to pull very hard, though he planted his feet at the doorway to the master bedroom. What an ass! Any other guy would be all over her, but he couldn’t get past what had happened tonight, how he’d lost control. How he’d lost the memories of the entire event.

It scared the crap out of him. What if he did the same thing during sex? What if he hurt her?

What if he really was the one killing those girls?

“Lily.” He tugged his hands free of her grasp. “I’m afraid. I know you think I’m nuts, but what if I hurt you? What if . . .” He shook his head, a short, sharp jerk as much to clear his thoughts as

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