Dark Wolf (Spirit Wild) - By Kate Douglas Page 0,15

power didn’t originate with me. I think someone used me as a conduit.”

Lily frowned. “Any idea who?”

“No. Do you?”

But he did, and he found himself wondering what his father’s other business tonight had been. How strong the man’s powers really were.

“No. But I will.” She stood up, brushed the short hem of her skirt down, and shoved the thick curls back from her face.

Sebastian stood and placed his hand lightly on her back, just above the draped fabric that hugged her perfectly rounded bottom. The moment he connected with her warm skin, he felt a slight frisson, a sensation as if energy flew over the surface, from her smooth back to his calloused fingers.

It was slightly unnerving.

It was horribly exciting.

He wanted more of the same.

“You’re sure you’re okay?”

She slowly turned her head and glanced over her shoulder. Her full lips curved in a wide smile. “Oh, yeah. C’mon. I’ll buy you a drink.”

He laughed and guided her toward the door. “The champagne’s included. You’re making me feel like a cheap date.”

She stopped in the doorway and touched the back of his hand with her fingertips. “I really do appreciate your getting me out of there. I’m sure my picture will be in all the tabloids tomorrow, and my father will have a fit, but it could have been much worse. Thank you.”

He grinned. “I understand fathers like that. Have one of my own.” Then he shrugged. “You don’t have to thank me, especially if whatever happened was my fault to begin with.”

She gazed at him, a slow, steady, painless yet thorough unpeeling of his soul. He fought the impulse to lower his eyes. Instead, he faced her directly.

“I don’t believe it was your fault.” She smiled, but she stepped away from him.

Sebastian shook his head. “I felt something, which means whatever attacked you probably used me.”

“If that’s the case, you’re as much a victim as I am.”

He hadn’t thought of it that way. The idea made him shudder inside.

“No matter,” she said, shrugging those perfect shoulders. “Still, I’d like to know what happened.”

Sebastian opened the door and then followed her out of the office. “So would I, Ms. Cheval. So would I.”

She’d never been so aware of a man in her life. Lily kept her spine straight and her pace steady as she walked ahead of Sebastian Xenakis, leading him back to the reception. Her head pounded in time with each step, and she knew her father was trying to reach her, but she couldn’t relax enough to let him in.

Not while Sebastian followed mere steps behind. His scent tickled her nostrils. She’d almost given herself away as he leaned over her when she went down. Had almost wrapped her fingers around his neck, pulled him closer, and kissed him.

She’d never felt so aroused—not with any man. Her skin prickled with the passage of air as she walked. Her breasts ached, and her nipples had tightened into sensitive peaks against the slick fabric of her gown.

She’d almost skipped wearing panties tonight, with the dress fabric so sheer and clinging so close, but she was thankful now for the tiny scrap of silk and lace she’d chosen. At least they absorbed the moisture of her arousal.

She’d never lost control this way. Lily Cheval epitomized control, even with sex.

Yeah, and if I repeat that a thousand times, I just might make myself believe it.

She really had to get herself together. Pausing just outside the door, she turned to Sebastian. “Do you mind going in ahead of me? I really don’t want to make an entrance that will draw even more attention, and if the two of us walk through that door . . .”

“I understand.” He smiled and her heart thudded even harder in her chest. That smile changed his looks from drop-dead gorgeous to absolutely devastating. “If anyone asks,” he said, “I’ll tell them you wanted to freshen up.”

She nodded. “Thank you. That’s exactly what I’ll do.”

She watched him walk away, mesmerized by the smooth flow of dark fabric over muscular thighs, the way his tuxedo jacket curved over his slim butt.

He was beyond beautiful, and it felt as if she’d gone without for far too long. He went into the ballroom while Lily turned away and found a quiet corner. She needed to connect with her father. He would have sensed whatever it was that knocked her flat. It might have felt intrusive, except she knew he would always worry about her.

She was, after all, his favorite. I’m okay, Dad,

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