Dark Wolf (Spirit Wild) - By Kate Douglas Page 0,117

rim with hers and then it was Sebastian’s turn. “Thank you.” He glanced toward the others still sitting at the bar, surprised at how the crowd had grown. “Thank you all, for giving me the family I’ve never had, and for trusting me with one of your most precious members.”

He leaned close and kissed Lily, surprised when he tasted the salt of tears on her lips. He had to look away before his own spilled, and so he glanced again at the ones who’d joined the toast. The snow leopards, Mei and Oliver were here, along with others he was just getting to know. Adam and Liana, who had healed the injured with help from two pack members he’d not met before, Doc Logan and his mate, Jazzy Blue. Eve was still here, though he sensed her time on this plane was growing short. There were others he’d not seen before, and a threesome he hadn’t met, though he recognized the men from tonight’s battle.

The woman looked familiar on another level.

Anton waved her over. She walked across the room and stood in front of Sebastian. “It’s good to meet you, Sebastian. I’m your cousin, Daci. Daciana Lupei. My mother and your mother were sisters.” She held out her hand.

He stared at her for a moment in shock. Then he stood and pulled her into his arms. A cousin! There’d only ever been his mother, but hadn’t Aldo said she had a sister? “Your mother was the lab assistant.”

“That’s right.” Smiling broadly, the woman nodded. “She had an affair with Milton Bosworth, and I’m the result of the affair. I don’t, however, claim my father.”

Sebastian chuckled. “That seems to be going around.”

The phone on Anton’s desk rang. Keisha picked it up, listened for a few minutes, and then hung up. “That was the sheriff’s department. Aldo has been linked by forensics to the rapes. His wolves were responsible for the murders, at least of the young women up here. Since there’s been no mention of them shifting and they died as wolves, it clears the Chanku entirely. Once the sheriff has Aldo’s travel records and DNA from the victims down there, he says he expects he’ll be able to link them to the killings in the Bay Area as well.”

Alex slipped off his bar stool and grabbed Annie’s hand. “That’s good. I’m glad it’s over.” He turned and kissed Annie. “And I’m really glad I’ve got Annie.”

Tinker stood and planted himself in front of Alex. “Son, I’m glad, too. I’m sorry I gave you such a hard time. I have to quit thinking of you as a ten-year-old bundle of hell-raising energy. I was really proud of you tonight. Both of you. I think you’ve both made a good match.”

“Thanks, Tinker. I figure it’s all about payback. One of these days, when Annie and I have pups of our own, they’ll be your grandchildren. If they’re anything like me, I imagine I’ll be needing your experience then.”

Tinker chuckled. “Here’s hoping they take after their mother. For both your sakes.”

Laughing, Alex tugged Annie along behind him. Almost to the door, they paused in front of Anton. “Any idea who the latest victim was?”

Anton nodded. “It was a girl you dated. Jennifer Martin. It turns out she worked for Aldo Xenakis. The guys who went after Annie in town that night were three of the rogues.”

Alex sighed and slowly shook his head. “Interesting. I’m sorry about Jennifer, though if I’d known she worked for Aldo, a lot of things she said and did would have made more sense.” He focused on Anton. “I think she was pumping me for information about the pack. I was careful not to tell her much, but I don’t like feeling used.”

Then he shot a teasing glance at Annie. “I just realized—no wonder those guys who hassled you in town were so big. Do you realize I flattened three rogues on my own to insure your honor?” He shot a grin at Tinker. “Your dad has to be nice to me now.” He wrapped an arm around her neck and pulled her close. “Oh, Lil? Annie and I are taking the cottage tonight. Hope you don’t mind.”

Tinker growled softly, but Alex and Annie were both laughing as they left. Lily glared after them. “What about us?”

“We can stay here tonight.” Sebastian leaned close and kissed her. “And since I’m Aldo Xenakis’s only heir—something he loved to remind me of—I imagine we can do something with a twelve-room cabin

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