This Dark Wolf (Soul Bitten Shifter #1) - Everly Frost Page 0,86


Approaching the table, he leans on his elbows, the muscles in his shoulders and biceps bunching. “When I took you to Hidden House, I considered you a threat,” he says. “I’m sure you felt the same way about me. In fact, I made sure you considered me your enemy.”

I acknowledge his statement with a nod. “We aren’t a danger to each other anymore.”

His eyes meet mine. “Actually, Tessa. You’re a significant threat to me.” He rises from his lean on the table. His incisors peek between his lips. “As I am to you. That hasn’t changed.”

My heart thrums in my chest, but I accept the truth in his statement without allowing my defenses to rise.

He rounds the table, but he stops and folds his arms across his chest before he reaches me. “However, you’re more of a threat to my enemies,” Tristan says. “Until I experienced your wolf, I didn’t fully comprehend just how badly you want revenge on Baxter Griffin and your half-brother, Dawson. Peter Nash too. Your family hurt you, but I thought I’d have to force you to help me. Now I realize that you want to destroy them more than I do.”

Tristan is a mere pace from me. His statements draw out memories I’d rather forget, but it’s easier to face them today. The coffee is warm in my hands, comforting, and Tristan’s presence is—remarkably—soothing. “What do you propose?”

“Baxter Griffin is hosting a celebration for his son, Cameron’s, birthday in a week. Their security will be vulnerable because of all the people coming and going. We can strike at the heart of them.”

“We’d go into their territory?” I ask. “Is that wise?”

He grins and I’m mesmerized by the way he makes a smile look threatening. “Short of luring each of them here, it’s the best opportunity we’ll get.”

Taking Baxter Griffin out was never going to be easy. Striking in his territory is exactly the sort of inflammatory act that will beg his pack to retaliate. “We can’t fail or they’ll retaliate with force.”

“Then at least we’ll have a fight that ends this feud once and for all,” Tristan says. “Right now, they’re picking us off one by one. Random, unpredictable attacks that demoralize my pack.”

I’m quiet. “You could have killed Peter Nash on the night you took me. Why didn’t you?”

“With five other alphas and their betas standing nearby waiting for a reason to kill me?” he asks. “I’m ruthless. But I’m not a fool.”

He leans forward, switching back to the problem at hand. “You have to decide if you’re in or you’re out, Tessa. I can show you my city today. Then I can give you all the tools you need to end everyone who’s ever wronged you. I’ll give you the means and the opportunity. It’s up to you whether you carry through.”

“You’re going to light the fire and watch it burn,” I say, raising my eyes to his.

Tristan’s forehead creases and I remember that I was an eavesdropper on his conversation with Jace two nights ago when Tristan first mentioned the three-headed wolf.

Revenge is a fire I want to burn, but I also need to test how much control I really have over my future now.

“What if I don’t accept your proposal?” I ask.

He tips his head, eyeing me. “Then it gets complicated.”

“How so?” I place my coffee cup on the table and close the gap, challenging the space between us. “You said we’re equals now. Explain to me why I can’t walk out of here right now.”

His eyes darken. “What we did yesterday hasn’t been achieved in hundreds of years, Tessa. We bonded at a higher level—”

I jolt away from him. “That’s impossible. I can’t bond.”

“I’m not talking about being true mates.” His voice remains low, but his hands rise. “I’m talking about a connection even purer than that. Your wolf and my wolf stepped into the heart of the other. We experienced each other’s darkness. It’s nearly impossible to survive that kind of darkness that hungers for death.”

A growing storm fills his eyes as he speaks and I sense his inner turmoil.

“You didn’t care if you survived,” I whisper, my eyes widening with the surprising realization. “You’re living on the edge of death and you would have welcomed your own end. You say you’re not reckless, but I’m not so sure about that, Tristan. That’s what makes you so dangerous. You’re unpredictable.”

His lips press together, his expression hardening, but his green eyes gleam like emeralds. “Do you see, Tessa? You can Copyright 2016 - 2024