This Dark Wolf (Soul Bitten Shifter #1) - Everly Frost Page 0,79

heard about Tristan, triple its brutality, and I might approach a true assessment of his capacity for violence.

I shiver uncontrollably as I realize that, in the last twenty-four hours since we left Hidden House, he has concealed and subdued his true nature.

Recklessly, despite the threat of violence, I lash out anyway. “If that’s true, then why do you care to help me at all?”

“Because I won’t be my father.” He doesn’t shout, but if anything, the low pitch of his growl scares me more than a roar would have. “I won’t be like him.”

For a terrifying second, I glimpse the depth of violence in Tristan’s eyes, held in check only by sheer will.

I lower my voice. “Then stay away from me—”

Pain shoots up through my chest all the way into my neck and shoulders. I double over, dropping to my knees, desperately keeping one arm outstretched, as if that will ward him off.

I can’t stop my sobs. My right hand sinks into the carpet, clawing it, trying to find relief.

I need relief from the pain.

“It’s my fault your wolf is tearing herself to shreds.” He blocks out the light with his big body as he stands over me, merciless. “I need you to understand, the last time there was a fight like the one this morning, my father killed the loser. He encouraged fights and then he took his revenge on the one who failed. We lost good wolves to his bloodlust. I needed to make sure Bridget knew I wasn’t going to kill her. I can’t lose her. I can’t lose another member of my pack—”

“You walked right past me.” I tip my head back with a snarl. It is his fault that I’m hurting. The pain started the moment he walked past me to console Bridget. “You rejected me!”

“I only needed a minute, Tessa.” He tilts his head at me, teeth gritted, the corners of his mouth turned down. “Half a fucking minute to make sure she knew she was safe. You left before I could get to you. You couldn’t wait half a minute so I didn’t lose her—”

“But you were willing to lose me!” I scream. “You were willing to shame me in front of your pack.”

My accusation falls into the silence between us. Helen told me that Tristan has an unparalleled ability to perceive and neutralize threats and an unrelenting determination to protect his pack.

It’s his loyalty to his pack that leaves me screaming now.

“I am nothing more than a possession to you.” I moan, lowering my left arm to clutch my stomach, tangling my hand in my open shirt. “I’m not a member of your pack. I’m a means to an end—whatever fucking end that actually is. The only reason you want to help me now is because you can’t afford to lose me.”

He’s blank, ruthless.

“Yes,” he says.

I can’t stop my scream. The clawing in my stomach and chest is like daggers suddenly ripping up through me. I dip toward the floor, nearly buckling beneath the pain.

Tristan drops to the carpet in front of me. One of his hands grips my shoulder, the other my waist, pulling me upright, forcing me to look up. “You say you don’t understand pack law—and maybe you don’t—but your wolf does,” he says. “I rejected you, and now she’s tearing herself apart because she fought for dominance—she won it—but she was cast aside anyway. She knows what has to happen next.”

“And what…” I gasp, tears falling down my cheeks. “Is that?”

“We either fight or I mark you as my mate.”

Everything freezes.

I reel as his emotionless statement hits me, but he grips me tightly, relentless in his determination to keep hold of me.

“When you dominated the strongest women in my pack, you asserted yourself as the alpha female,” he says.

Pain and shock have become a state of being to the point where I’m turning numb. I can barely feel my feet or my hands, my arms sliding to my sides as he pulls me farther upright into a kneeling position like him.

“Bridget had no idea how strong you are when she challenged you or she never would have done it,” he says. “Her instinct was to show you your place. Knock you down and be done with it. She had no idea you’d retaliate like you did. No fucking idea that you’re strong enough to challenge me. I want to kill her for putting me in this position.”

Tristan’s declaration bounces back and forth inside my mind, a painful beat. Copyright 2016 - 2024