This Dark Wolf (Soul Bitten Shifter #1) - Everly Frost Page 0,73

already lit up. “I’m going to the gym.”

“Then I’m coming with you.” He prowls into the back of the elevator, keeping to the other side of it.

Despite looking like he had the worst night ever, he smells like the best night ever, a combination of bitter orange and cedar that brings to mind tumbling through warm grass beneath a summer sun. There’s a sleepy sort of relaxed movement to his upper body as he leans against the side of the elevator. The steel doors are reflective enough for me to catch sight of myself—hair unbrushed, my clothes crinkled. Also—dammit—one button of my flannel shirt has popped open.

The ride is fast, only one floor. As soon as the doors open, I shoot out of the elevator to quickly assess the layout of the gym in front of me. A combat ring sits in the middle. Treadmills and weightlifting equipment are located nearest to the windows on the left, while on the right-hand side, right at the back, are the objects of my desire. Two boxing bags hanging side by side.

I’m sure it will be too much to hope that there are gloves in my size, but I head for the bags anyway, noting the sign that indicates a bathroom is located around the corner behind them. I’ll be able to wash up in there first.

Tristan breaks off from me, taking up position at the windows, his hands held loosely at his sides and his back to me while I head straight for the bathroom. I use the facilities quickly, fix my shirt, then splash my face with water and dry it with paper towel. I use my fingers to comb through my hair before fishing out a hair tie from my pocket and tying my hair up into a topknot.

I’m scruffy, but it will have to do.

I pause when I emerge. Tristan has remained at the far windows, but I’m surprised to find two women sparring in the combat ring despite the early hour. They must have arrived while I was in the bathroom. One of them is the auburn-haired woman from the bridge last night—Bridget. She and the other woman stop what they’re doing and I’m surprised by the sudden aggression in their stares. Bridget apparently doesn’t have a problem with vampires, but she definitely seems to have a problem with me.

My scent can’t be putting her off because—other than the hiccup last night—I have that under control. I shouldn’t be detectible, either. Although the absence of a scent could be just as unsettling.

Ignoring them, I reach for the pair of gloves that looks to be my closest fit and quickly strap my hands. I jab the bag to get a feel for it before I ease into a rhythm. It’s difficult to concentrate when every five minutes, I expect to hear Iyana’s voice calling out some instruction or words of encouragement, and instead all I hear are the two women sparring behind me.

Until I don’t.

I pause at the silence behind me, my senses expanding and then filling with confusion.

They’re creeping up on me. As if they intend to jump me—

One of them aims a fist at the back of my head while the other drops and prepares to sweep my legs out from under me. Success would see me face-plant hard against the bag.

I duck the hit to my head and drop at the same rate as the woman who is about to perform the leg sweep. My gloved fist smacks into her stomach—which she left wide open.

Now that I can see them, I identify Bridget as the one who tried to hit my head. She regains her balance and takes another shot at me, but this time, I’m ready and facing her.

I duck, anticipate her step to the left, and take a swipe at her, knocking her to the side. Grabbing her arm before she can fall, I flip her onto her back and press my foot to her chest. Not hard enough to hurt her.

“Stay down!” I shout at her.

The other woman tries to grab me from behind, but I fling myself into her, using her body to brace as I rapidly climb the boxing bag with my feet and kick off it. Backflipping to land behind the woman, my glove connects with her lower back and she stumbles away from me, banging into the bag.

She attempts to regain her balance while Bridget recovers, both women quickly prowling toward me again. I back into the clear space Copyright 2016 - 2024