This Dark Wolf (Soul Bitten Shifter #1) - Everly Frost Page 0,69

turns into a snarl. “I will find out who kept you from me and I will end them.”

His attention suddenly shifts to the sky. Above us, the storm clouds part briefly, revealing a clear night sky.

He stares up at the stars for the fleeting moment that they are visible and takes a deep breath, sighing the air out as if he were expelling his anger. “Now that we’ve finally met, the future has shifted. Some paths have closed and others have opened. We will see where these new paths lead us, little one, on our journey together.”

I shiver, my hackles rising again. He claims that someone was hiding me from him for my whole life. He can’t mean Helen because I was only staying with her for the last two months. Before that, I was in the mountains with my father. There’s no way my father was hiding me from this creature… unless he was.

I shudder as I remember how many times my father told me not to reveal my wolf’s energy. That it would get me killed. That the other alphas would see me as a threat and do everything they could to kill me. As a consequence of his warnings, I rarely accessed my wolf’s energy, only releasing my power for short bursts at a time, never as long as I have tonight.

Tonight is the first time I have separated from my wolf outside of the protected environment provided by Hidden House.

What if the other alphas weren’t the only threat my father was protecting me from?

What if I alerted this creature to my presence by releasing my wolf tonight for the first time in the outside world?

“We do not have a path together,” I say, raising my head, snarling at the white wolf. “Nobody was hiding me. And you will stay away from me. Whoever the hell you are.”

He leans in, his nostrils flaring as he inhales. The air tugs around me, the smallest pull, a gentler version of the wrench that hauled me into this alleyway. “There’s no stopping the future, little one,” he whispers. “I sensed your energy for the first time tonight, but you won’t be able to hide from me again.”

He backs up, a delighted snarl revealing his sharp teeth. “I have to go now, but I will see you again soon.”

He backs away from me into the darkness, his form disintegrating into swirls that fade into the night. I’m left with a bright spot in my vision, as if I stared into a light for too long.

I try to blink it away.

I don’t have time to process what just happened.

Back in the penthouse, I can hear the whir of the elevator rising. Tristan is twenty seconds away from reaching my human form.

It’s time to return all of my senses to my human body.

Opening my eyes in the penthouse again, I stare through the window at the square below me, seeking the spot in the distance where my wolf’s energy is hiding in the shadows.

I make a sudden, determined decision.

I want her back with me.


Gritting my teeth, I pull on her with all of my will and determination. I sense her disintegrate, just like the white wolf’s form did before he disappeared. My wolf’s dark energy rushes into the air and toward me, a black spot, a blur in the night. If the white wolf’s claim is correct, then the humans won’t see her. As for supernaturals, most won’t look high enough. Even if they do, she’ll pass by too fast for them to figure out what she is.

Her energy rushes toward me and I brace for impact.

The elevator’s doors are opening.

My wolf’s dark blur of energy is a silent arrow. She pours through the window glass and hits my heart, knocking me onto my back in an awkward heap, my crossed legs tangled beneath me on the floor.

I fall back just as Tristan runs into the room.

“Tessa!” He charges toward me, shifting into his wolf form so fast that I gasp at the speed of it, let alone how easily he slips his human clothing. His jeans are still airborne as he lands in his wolf form, looming over the top of me.

He’s large enough that his paws can rest easily on either side of me, his body covering mine, while his head is lowered and alert, swinging to assess the space around us. His teeth are bared, his growls aimed at anyone who might be about to attack.

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