This Dark Wolf (Soul Bitten Shifter #1) - Everly Frost Page 0,42

table in front of her.

My stomach growls loudly when I arrive and she jumps up right away.

“I’m starving!” she says. “Let’s go.”

Walking beside a hungry vampire might not be my best move. I risk a laugh. “Should I be worried?”

“Nope,” she says, popping the ‘p’ like she sometimes does. “You’re safe with me.”

This time, the downward stairs let out into a shaded garden. Directly on the left as we enter, a waterfall flows down one entire wall. Trees and flower bushes circle the space, which gives off a tranquil vibe. Wooden tables and chairs are scattered around a courtyard in the middle of the garden. Women sit around the tables, some in groups, some alone. I’m not surprised to see them since Helen said that many women shelter here. Given her rule about respecting privacy, I’m also not surprised when they don’t jump to their feet to introduce themselves. A few raise their heads to give me small smiles, but nobody stares at me. The house prevents me from sensing what they are and it’s not obvious from their appearances. We could all be human women out for lunch at a garden restaurant.

Seconds before Iyana steps onto the courtyard, the lighting changes. The blue sky disappears to be replaced with a night sky. The trees light up along their branches with silver fairy lights, glittering and pretty, giving the entire space a silver glow.

Iyana pauses on the bottom step, flushing slightly. “I hope you don’t mind eternal night when you’re around me. I don’t do well in sunlight.”

None of the women complain, let alone flinch. One of the women—a petite brunette—gives a happy sigh as she gazes up at the glittering tree branch above her. I think I spy a pointed ear beneath her thick hair, but I’m not sure.

Entering the courtyard, I follow Iyana to an empty table at the back. “We could be out in the open right now, not inside a building.”

Iyana smiles as she sits down. “We are outside. This house is constantly transforming itself. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.”

“I’m not sure I want to,” I say. “I don’t want to take it for granted.”

A new presence appears beside me and I look up into the kindly face of an older woman with deep brown hair and pale blue eyes, dressed in a black dress.

“What would you like to eat, dear?” she asks.

“You must be Aida?” I ask.

She folds her hands in front of herself with a quiet nod.

“Uh, I would kill for a steak,” I say.

“Coming right up.” She smiles as she turns to Iyana. “The usual for you, Iyana?”

“Yes, please, Aida,” Iyana responds.

Aida gives Iyana a nod and then disappears. I stare at the empty space she leaves behind.

I’m assuming Iyana means blood, and I’m not sure to what extent my human soul will be comfortable watching her drink it, but I push away my reservations.

It won’t be real blood. Most likely. Probably.

Iyana watches me squirm with a growing smile. “Don’t worry. I don’t drink blood.”

“Oh. Okay. You mean you abstain?”

“No. I mean I don’t need to drink blood.” She stares at the bright branches above us. “I have a slightly unusual craving that doesn’t involve human blood, but it makes other vampires uncomfortable around me.”

I’m amazed when Aida reappears seconds later with a plate laden with a thick steak and roasted vegetables, including hot chips for me.

She places a small shot glass of silver liquid in front of Iyana.

Moaning with delight when I take my first mouthful of food, I pause long enough to watch Iyana drink her silver liquid all in one go before licking her lips. The liquid slides right out of the glass and not a drop remains clinging to the sides.

“What was that?” I ask, with a quizzical glance at the pristinely empty glass.

“My unusual craving,” she says, tipping the glass. “Mercury.”

My eyes widen. “But that’s toxic.”

“To you, yes.” She gives me a contented smile. “If I can’t get a hold of mercury, I can get away with zinc or cadmium. Lots of human vitamins contain zinc. But I need a sip of mercury at least once a month.”

“Why would that make other vampires uncomfortable?”

She raises her eyebrows. “It’s poisonous to them too. It doesn’t kill them, but it makes them very sick. Some hunters used to include it in potions when they went vampire hunting.”

She sighs happily as she leans back in her chair and gazes up at the stars, leaving me to inhale my food Copyright 2016 - 2024