This Dark Wolf (Soul Bitten Shifter #1) - Everly Frost Page 0,106

is intense as he presses me back onto the bed, my hips raised above its edge while my legs remain curved around his hips where he stands at the bed’s edge.

He unzips my skirt with fierce efficiency before unfurling my legs from around his waist, pulling my skirt off, and pitching it off to the side. Flipping me onto my stomach, he unzips the back of my bodice all the way down so that it falls away from me. With another quick movement, he unclasps my bra, leaving me only in my underpants.

His palms graze my stomach as he bends over me, his chest pressed against my back as he slides his hands beneath my ribs. Pulling me back into a standing position, his hands slide up my stomach and ribs to cup my breasts. At the same time, his mouth nudges the side of my neck, tasting the skin at the curve between my shoulder and neck and working his way up to my ear, tugging my sensitive earlobe between his lips.

Moans leave my mouth and I brace against the edge of the bed as his hands explore my breasts, hips, and the curve of my pelvis. He turns me in his arms to face him, trailing kisses down my neck, across my collarbone, nudging my breasts on his way to my underpants before he pulls them off and down to my ankles.

His hands are firm around my hips as he guides me to sit on the edge of the bed before drawing my legs apart and tasting the skin across my inner thigh, one side and then the other, before his warm mouth closes over my center.

I moan, gripping his shoulders as intense pleasure rides me. It’s a mix of release and growing need as his tongue curves and licks across my most sensitive folds.

The pleasure builds so fast that I cry out in protest when he stops right when I’m on the brink of climaxing. I dig my fingernails into his shoulders, growling my unhappiness deep in my throat.

He wears a self-satisfied smile as he rises to his feet between my legs, ridding himself of his jeans before he pushes me back onto the bed. It’s the same smile he gave me when I woke up at Hidden House after he commanded it. But this time, his smile carries an edge of anger that hasn’t diminished despite the attention he’s giving my body.

He warned me that he would destroy me, but destruction works both ways. I have the power to destroy him too.

Standing over me, he takes in my entire form from my red hair spread across his bed, the stray, crimson strands resting across my breasts, to my waist and thighs. It’s a lingering appraisal before the animal returns to his eyes. Taking both of my hips in his hands and positioning himself, he pulls me closer to the edge of the bed.

“You are fucking beautiful,” he says, thrusting inside me.

My body is completely ready—he made sure of it. I arch up off the bed, crying out as intense pleasure rocks me. He withdraws slowly, testing my responses before thrusting again, an act that feels like being claimed, a deep marking.

My own darkness and recklessness rise to the surface as he rides me. I match him, meeting every thrust, fisting the sheets and using them to brace, demanding more from him. Arching and lifting my hips off the bed, I push myself against him, taking control of our movements, curving my own hips up even further, drawing him deeper inside me.

With a groan, he leans down close, planting both hands on either side of my head, his mouth demanding access to my lips again, the taste on his tongue a heady mix of his scent and mine.

He grips my torso, sliding his arms beneath me and wrenching me upward, his movements wild as I meet every thrust with my own relentless need. If I could tell him what I wanted, I would, but all of my focus is set on taking his anger and turning it into the flames that will feed my own desire, in matching his darkness with my own.

“Fuck, Tessa!” He grips my backside as I use every muscle in my body to push against him, needing release, wanting to take it all from him.

He drops me back onto the bed, crashing deep inside me at the same time.

I scream as I orgasm, powerful heat rushing through me, tearing me apart wave after Copyright 2016 - 2024