The Dark Thorn - By Shawn Speakman Page 0,163

plains, beckoning to him and his destiny. Formed of white granite that lay beneath the emerald carpet of grass, the mountain jutted out of the world as if a giant had pushed its thumb up through the land and left it there.

To the east, the Forest of Dean spread like a green stain.

“The Cailleach is prepared, my king,” John said, riding up next to Philip.

“She had better be, if this day is to go as planned,” Philip said sharply. “The halfbreeds under her rule must be controlled if we are to have full command of our power.”

“You are still worried about the loss of the knights?”

“It would do you well to be as worried,” Philip said. He forced himself to be calm. “A king must be wary. There are other powers at play in this besides the wizard. Arrogance could kill us. Even the fey cannot be discounted.”

“They will not be,” John said. “The Tuatha de Dannan would not dream of attacking such a large force as you have assembled. If they do, it would be like a fly to a lion. Once we enter Rome and gain the Vault in the Basilica, fortune will be yours. With the relics housed there, none will defy you. Not there. Not here. Time will prove me right.”

“There is more transpiring here than what we know, John. My instincts roar at me,” Philip frowned. He looked around at the day as if able to find the problem. “Something is not right. I can feel it. We have left enough warriors at Caer Llion to keep our interests secure, and you have assured me the fey are inconsequential despite gathering their forces, but still I worry.”

“Battle apprehensions, my king,” John consoled. “As you have said, the Tuatha de Dannan are a broken group, unable to rouse their former might. I tell you the same, based on what I have seen the last few weeks. After this day, it will not matter.”

“I want you at my side during the entirety of today,” Philip ordered, still uneasy. He held the gaze of his advisor meaningfully. “It will take our combined war histories to overthrow the Vatican. Those in command of St. Peter’s know of their danger. They will be prepared. And they possess power that we cannot afford to forget.”

“I will do what I can to remain at your side,” John replied, looking at the sky. “As Master Wace used to say, there are no guarantees in war. Only glory to take.”

Philip did not reply. John had grown increasingly distant in the last few days. There was a hollowness to him, as if he were thinking of events that had nothing to do with capturing Rome and returning home. There were times Philip wondered if his friend still held the same ideals as he did. The Vault seemed foremost on his thoughts, as if gaining it meant the end of war. Philip did not agree with that. Magical implements were important, but he believed what Master Wace had taught so long ago.

Through arms, came strength.

Philip just hoped John had the ability to see the day through to its end.

As the mid-afternoon came so too did Philip to the mountain portal, the heat an itch on the back of his neck. The peak was larger than the distance had displayed, thrusting into the sky. Twisted trees clung to its side, the soil too thin to grow much else. About halfway to its summit, Philip could just make out two dead stumps between which a void of air shimmered in the day, the portal waiting for the High King of Annwn. No wind blew. No animals stirred. It was as though only Philip and the portal existed, each drawing the other onward.

He dismounted and glanced up the mountain. The trail to the portal above waited. It was far too steep for horses but that did not matter. Horses were not required for conquering Rome. Philip curbed his instincts that continued to scream at him. He would climb. He would bring his army through. He would regain the throne of his family, the blood running in rivers if needs be, and fulfill what his father had ordained.

Unleashing Hauteclere from his hip, he said a prayer before turning to his friend.

“John Lewis Hugo, our destiny awaits.”

Not waiting for a reply, Philip entered the trail, John a step behind. It was not as difficult as it looked, his desire to gain the portal driving him upward. It took only minutes for Copyright 2016 - 2024