Dark Seduction (Vampire Royals of New York #2) - Sarah Piper Page 0,17

Uncle Boss totally fits the profile.”

Charley offered a sad smile in the mirror, but before she could give Sasha any more false reassurances, the doorbell startled them both.

Aside from Rudy, who technically owned the place now and had his own key—a fact Charley had never even considered until this morning’s surprise drop-in—visitors had to be announced by the doorman.

Charley turned and grabbed Sasha’s shoulders. “Stay in your room. Lock the door. Don’t come out until I say so, okay?”

“What? Why? Should I call the police?”

“No, just stay out of sight. I’ll handle it.” Charley went to the front door and looked through the peephole, heart in her throat.

But the man standing on the other side wasn’t Travis or some unrecognizable thug sent to “take care” of them.

“Gabriel?” She opened the door, relief flooding her limbs at the sight of Dorian’s youngest brother. He was cold and off-putting—very possibly dangerous—but Charley would take her chances with a Redthorne royal over her uncle’s brand of cruelty any day.

“Ms. D’Amico.” Gabriel gave a slight bow as he stepped inside. “My brother has ordered me to bring you and your sister to Ravenswood.”

“Ordered you?”

He rolled his eyes. “The king says jump, the rest of us say how high.”

Despite the obvious irritation, his mood was much more somber than the last time she’d seen him. Almost… compliant.

Charley didn’t know whether to be relieved or afraid.

“What’s Dorian doing back at Ravenswood?” she asked. “Did he tell you what happened last night?”

“I was here, Ms. D’Amico. All of us were.”

“All of you?”

“With the exception of Aiden, who was sent to look for your sister. I’m told he wasn’t able to locate her, though. Have you heard from her?”

“She’s here, but… You guys were in my penthouse last night?” She closed her eyes, once again chasing memories that were still just out of reach. The men arguing in the living room. Colin, tending to her wounds with a mysterious woman. Dorian, frantic with worry, whispering that he’d fallen…

“Are you feeling better?” Gabriel asked. “Looks like your color has returned.”

The sincerity in his voice shocked her, and she opened her eyes, her suspicion growing by a mile. “Gabriel. What the hell is going on? When did Dorian go back upstate?”

“As soon as we knew you were safe.”

“But why? Has he heard any more from Duchanes?”

“Not yet.”

She had so many more questions—why the fuck had Dorian left her last night? If he wanted to see her so badly, why had he sent Gabriel instead of coming himself? Was he still freaked out about drinking her blood? Was Duchanes still a threat?—but before she could find the words to ask anything else, Sasha bounced into the room, as chipper as if the last ten minutes had never happened.

“Hey!” she said, beaming at their guest. “I’m Sasha, Charley’s sister. Who the hell are you? And are you staying for lunch? You totally should. Right, Charley?”

“Gabriel Redthorne.” He bowed again, clearly uncomfortable at Sasha’s attention.

“He’s Dorian’s brother,” Charley explained. Then, realizing Sasha probably had no idea who Dorian was either, she added, “The guy I’ve been seeing.”

“Oh my God! You’re Mr. Already Forgotten’s brother?” She turned to Charley with wide eyes and a huge smile, mouthing two words: Holy hotness. “Why am I meeting your boyfriend’s brother before meeting your boyfriend?”

“Dorian isn’t my boyfriend, Sasha. We’re just…” She caught Gabriel’s eye, hoping for an assist, but the vampire merely glared.

Charley glared right back. My day’s not exactly going according to plan either, buddy…

“Don’t stop digging the hole on my account,” he said.

“Yeah, Chuck,” Sasha teased. “Don’t stop digging. I want the full scoop on the whole family. Clearly, you’ve been holding out on me.”

The light had returned to Sasha’s eyes, and for that, Charley was grateful, even if the sight of Gabriel brooding in her penthouse—in Dorian’s absence, no less—left her uneasy.

“Are you coming?” he asked Charley. “Or do I need to prepare for an argument with my brother?”

“Coming where?” Sasha asked.

“Nowhere.” Charley shot him another warning glare, but the sudden concern in Gabriel’s eyes made her adrenaline spike.

“It’s not safe in the city,” he whispered. “For either of you.”

Charley sighed. He was right. In all the stress of dealing with Rudy this morning, she hadn’t even fully processed last night’s attack—what she could remember of it, anyway. But if Dorian hadn’t heard from Duchanes, the vampire and his demons were likely still on the loose.

And she was probably still a target, which meant Sasha was also in danger.

Keeping her eyes on Gabriel,

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