The Dark Road A Novel - By Ma Jian Page 0,169

her vagina. Immediately, the stump of her index finger sends images to her brain, giving her an interior view of the mysterious dark channel that she has never visited before. She moves her hand deeper inside and sees on the wet and creased walls the marks left by male intrusions. She spots the fungal infections and Confucian quotes left by Kongzi, the fingerprints of the nightclub boss, Weiwei’s departing silhouette, and various clots of her thoughts and memories. Then the stump sees Tang, which puzzles Meili as he’s never entered this place. The only moment of intimacy they shared was when she took him and some colleagues to the Princess Karaoke Bar to celebrate his birthday, and he persuaded her, after much pleading, to sing some funeral laments and Anita Mui songs. If little Heaven hadn’t kicked her so hard, she would have gone on singing for hours, not from a sense of gratitude, but because of the intense joy it gave her. She’d experienced moments of happiness before: on the honeymoon train journey to Beijing, for example, when she lay on the upper bunk chewing preserved plums and marvelled at the unfamiliar landscape unfolding outside, or when Nannan waddled across the yard as a toddler bringing her a bamboo stool to sit on, or when Waterborn lay asleep in her arms and she watched her mouth spread into an angelic dimpled smile as breast milk dripped onto her cheeks. Meili laughed with joy on every one of these occasions, but not with the same abandon as she did in the Princess Karaoke Bar. That night, after their colleagues had left, she held Tang’s hand, closed her eyes and sang about times past and future with such a sense of release that she lost herself. When she woke up later, Tang was fast asleep with his head on her lap.

Her hand continues up through this fleshy corridor that is owned and governed by men, and approaches the entrance of the Communist Party’s residence. It occurs to her that, nine years ago, she would never have dared bang on this state-owned gate. She feels brave enough to bang on it now, but doesn’t know if she dares enter. Trespassing government property is a crime. She pauses to think things through. Only the Party can decide which child can be born and which child must die, but as long as she pays the necessary fine, little Heaven will be allowed to live. The Party will have its money, and she will have her child. Surely that is just the kind of win–win situation that Premier Jiang Zemin has been advocating? With her legs parted like splayed duck wings, she wipes the flies from her wet face and says, ‘No one is here to register the birth, so we must take our fate into our own hands, Kongzi!’ Without waiting for him to reply, she pounds on the fleshy gate. ‘Mummy has come to collect you, my child.’ With the four fingers of her hand she pushes through the cervix, pierces the amniotic sac, gropes around and finds a foot. ‘One life departs and another arrives! You’re coming out now. Enough prevarication! There’s nothing to be afraid of . . .’ Meili pulls and pulls but the baby refuses to budge. Bursting into tears of frustration, she cries, ‘Please, help me out, little one. I’ve done as much as I can.’ She rips off her white shirt and shouts, ‘Kongzi, take off my bra! I’m sweltering.’ Then she pushes one more time and collapses in agony, her splayed legs shaking.

‘If it won’t come out, let me phone 999 and pay for you to have a Caesarean,’ Kongzi says. ‘The police will certify that Nannan has gone missing, so Heaven will be our only child, and his birth will be legal.’ He looks down nervously at the black mounds of burnt plastic by his feet, then stares at the bulbous interiors of televisions discarded on the opposite bank.

‘Shut up, Kongzi! The police were clear: missing isn’t the same as dead. We’ll have to wait ten years before we can apply for a death certificate. That bag! Open it. Take the string and tie back my hair. Oh God, the pain is unbearable! Don’t grasp my flesh so tightly, little one . . .’

As she pushes again with all her strength, her contorted face turns scarlet and milk spurts from her nipples. The crumbling wreck rocks from side to side. With her eyes squeezed shut, Copyright 2016 - 2024