Dark Queen - Ker Dukey Page 0,33

only anger him further and his aggression will be taken out on her.

“I’ll be back with your order,” I say through gritted teeth, plastering on a fake smile.

When I get to the bar, Simon raises his brows at me, shaking his head. “What’s got you worried this time?”

“Just another asshole who thinks he owns the world,” I grumble.

“Do you know that man?” I ask, nodding my head to the man in question. Simon’s lips curl, answering without words. He disappears out to the wine room and returns with a one of the rare bottles.

“He’s a rich prick. Likes his wine mature but his women not so much.” He shudders.

I look back over at their table, my instincts telling me to go rescue the poor girl. “She doesn’t even look like a woman,” I input, playing with a strand of my hair from my ponytail.

“Alyssa,” he says my name in warning, gaining my attention back to him. “Trust me. Those girls know what he is. She’s not here against her will.”

Taking the tray, he scoots across the bar toward me with the wine, I blow out a breath and head back to the table.

Holding out the bottle, I get an arrogant head jerk in response, confirming it’s the right wine.

I pour for him, then move the bottle to the girl’s glass. The asshole shoots his hand out, covering her glass, but it’s too late for me to stop the wine from pouring out of the bottle and over his hand.

A gasp leaves both me and the girl.


“You idiot,” the man roars, his chest vibrating. I can’t move, my legs solidified to the spot, my heart raging.

He begins shaking his hand, sending wine splashes all up my shirt. The blemishes sink in, painting a permanent stain.

“I’m sorry,” I say, despite wanting to hit him over the head with the bottle. His beady, narrowed eyes finally raise up to mine.

“You useless little bitch.” He cracks, the bitter, evil beast in him raising to the surface and spilling free all over me.

My stomach bottoms out with the pure intent of his hateful glare. Instincts have me scanning the table to use something as a weapon if I need to.

All eyes peer our way, putting me in the spotlight. “Clean the mess and get me your manager.” His tone is loud and spiteful.

Words fail me.

I’ve never been spoken to so rudely by a stranger before. Hell, by anyone—not including Luca.

The atmosphere in the room shifts, and a dominating figure suddenly appears behind the man.

My eyes sheen with tears of anger and humiliation. I travel the length of Luca’s form and lose my breath seeing the murderous look in his shocking blue eyes.

He moves, unwavering with precision, and slams the man’s head down on the table surface.

My mouth drops, gaping in disbelief. A horrid crunching sound makes the girl scream.

Covering her mouth, she scoots back in her chair as the flurry of movement from nearby tables clearing echoes around us. The man is out cold, slumped against the table, blood oozing from his nose, forming a pool by his glass.

The weight of his limp body slowly drags sideways and slides off the chair, landing in a heap at the girl’s feet.

Luca jerks his chin to the two men in black suits situated at the doors. “Take the trash out,” he tells them before he turns to me. “No one makes a scene in my establishment but me. Go home. Take the rest of the night off.”


I want to throw my arms around him, thank him for coming to my aid. For having my back. Adrenaline soars through my veins making me jittery. There’s a charge in the air, vibrant and intoxicating.

Twice in one day, someone has made a scene, and both times, I’ve learned there’s violence and darkness inside Luca…maybe darker than my own.

Chapter Twenty-One


I lost it. The beast I work so hard to subdue, to keep locked inside its cage, ripped the doors off and brought all eyes on me.

Why did it have to be her serving that entitled prick?

His behavior wouldn’t be accepted in any of my businesses regardless, but I wouldn’t have lost my tempter the way I had if it hadn’t been her he was speaking to.

The possession I felt in that moment rippled through my bloodstream, roaring in my ears.


She belongs to me.

This is what I needed to avoid.

Goddamn Marcello.

The tables all around have cleared, the scene causing a tsunami effect. “Clean up and re-set,” I bark to the staff members

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