Dark Possession Page 0,68

would be able to stay at the ranch, but for Jasmine, she would try.

"What do you fear at the ranch the most?" She leaned her chin into her palm and studied Solange's face. Jasmine would never stay if her cousin didn't.

Solange was silent for so long MaryAnn was afraid she wouldn't answer. "I am not good with people. Men especially. I get claustrophobia in confined spaces. I haven't had anyone telling me what to do since I was about twelve, and I can't imagine living in a place with rules-someone else's rules. I've made my own for too long and I can't fit in anywhere." She looked at Jasmine. "I don't want that for you, Jazz. You deserve a life."

"So do you," MaryAnn said quietly-firmly.

"I'm not such a nice person," Solange said, her amber eyes going flat and hard. "I've done things and I can't take them back."

Jasmine put her hand over Solange's. "You saved lives."

"And I took them."

There was no regret in her voice, and none on her face, but MaryAnn could feel the sadness coming off her in waves. She was a warrior, and there was nowhere in the world left for a woman like Solange.

"Don't feel sorry for me," Solange said. "I made my choices."

"And I've always made mine," Jasmine asserted. "I stay with you. Here or at the ranch, or wherever. We're family and we stick close. Juliette feels the same way. She can't join us during the days, but she's with us when she can be."

Good for you. MaryAnn flashed Jasmine an approving smile. The girl had spunk after all. She wasn't going to give up on Solange.

Jasmine flashed her a small, conspiratorial smile, and MaryAnn realized she was glad she'd come. Both women needed her. She was a born counselor, she helped people find their way and she was good at if, proud of her ability. Solange seemed more lost than Jasmine because she'd given up on life. On people. On everything.

Solange suddenly lifted her head, coming to her feet, her body still, Jasmine pressed a hand to her mouth to stifle a cry of alarm.

"It's okay, baby," Solange assured.

"They're here," Jasmine whispered. "Outside the house, and it's another couple of hours until sunset."

"Take MaryAnn into the safe room," Solange instructed. "Wait for me there."

"MaryAnn will be just fine helping you out," MaryAnn said. "I'm not hiding from these men. If they dared come here to harm you-"

"They'll rape and kill. That's what they do," Solange said, her voice hard. "We live by the law of the forest here, kill or be killed, and you have to be prepared to do just that. Go with Jasmine."

Jasmine pushed back her chair and reached under the table for the gun taped there. MaryAnn's eyes widened. They'd obviously been prepared for an attack.

"I'll take the upstairs," Jasmine said. "You defend down here, Solange. MaryAnn, they won't be able to breach the safe room. If we get into trouble, we'll fight our way back to that, so leave it unlocked as long as possible."

"I'll stay with you," MaryAnn said. "I know how to shoot a gun."

"Riordan and Juliette set safeguards on the house," Solange said, not bothering to waste time arguing with them. "Jasmine, see to the windows. Stay back out of sight. If they see and recognize you, it might make them do something crazy to get in, but if they breach the window, shoot to kill. Do you understand me? Don't you hesitate."

"I won't," Jasmine assured.

"I'll be with her," MaryAnn added. Jasmine looked so young and frightened. Her pregnancy made her even more vulnerable.

Solange caught Jasmine to her, stared into her eyes. "Be safe, little cousin."

"You too." Jasmine brushed a kiss along Solange's cheek and then turned and hurried up the stairs.

MaryAnn followed her, but paused to watch Solange move through the huge kitchen toward the hall. The woman looked like a jungle car, sleek and powerful and deadly. It was impossible not to admire her-or believe in her.

"She'll get us through this," Jasmine assured her.

"I have no doubt she will." Still. It was always better to have a backup plan. They had to hold out until Manolito, Riordan and Juliette managed to wake and get to them. She glanced at her watch. A little under two hours. The safeguards should hold that long.

"Uh oh," Jasmine said, peeking out the window and ducking back against the wall. "They've got someone out there and he looks like he knows what he's doing."

MaryAnn risked a quick look. The

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