Dark Possession Page 0,52

looked every inch the predator. Dangerous and hungry- starved for the taste and feel of her.

"Do I?" His gaze flicked to where Luiz was beginning to sit up. "He knew you belonged to me."

"I don't belong to anyone but me. And he saved my life. You weren't here to play hero." She was appalled at the accusation in her voice.

His gaze softened. "You were afraid without me."

She was afraid for him, and that made it worse. She swallowed hard and spread her hands out. "Look. I'm used to a semblance of control in my life. I don't know what I'm doing here. I don't know what's happening. I'm feeling things I've never felt before."

She was dependent when she'd never been. She needed time to think, to just be quiet, yet she couldn't bear the idea of being away from him. And that was more frightening than anything else, because she wasn't a woman to give up her independence.

Manolito stopped the words burning to be said. She did belong to him-as he belonged to her. But the confusion and weariness on her face turned his heart to mush. She stood there, looking soft and kissable and thinking she was tough, and all he wanted to do was hold anil comfort her.

Instead, he stalked across the ground and reached down to yank Luiz to his feet. The man swayed unsteadily and managed a half grin.

"You pack a punch."

"You are lucky I did not kill you."

Luiz nodded. "Yeah, I got that." He looked past Manolito to MaryAnn. "Are you all right?"

A soft warning rumbled in Manolito's throat. "It is not necessary for you to inquire after her state of being when I am here."

"I think it is," Luiz said.

"That's because he has manners," MaryAnn snapped. "Thank you so much for your help, Luiz. Especially for saving my life." She turned and walked away. The cave man could keep up or not, but she was close enough to the house that she recognized the Jeep trail. She could just follow that.

Manolito shrugged when Luiz's eyebrow shot up. "She's very good at reprimanding me." For a moment, amusement flickered in his eyes.

"I have a feeling she'll need to be," Luiz said, rubbing his jaw. "She's amazing."

Manolito's face darkened, the brief flash of humor fading away. "You do not need to find her amazing. And keep your clothes on, jaguar."

Luiz's grin widened. "Women can't help but be impressed."

"I doubt it feels good to have one's heart ripped out of one's chest, but if you like I can arrange for you to find out."

Luiz laughed at him. "She may just rip your heart out, Carpathian. Take care."

Manolito looked down at the blurred shadow of his hand. He was still in both worlds, but he was seeing much more clearly and his form was more substantial than it had ever been. Luiz hadn't noticed, and jaguar people were not only observant, but they could read things in the forest few others could. And they'd spot another of their kind instantly...

He caught up with MaryAnn. "He did not call you jaguar and if you had even a small trace of blood, he would know."

Her dark eyes went stormy. So she still hadn't forgiven him. Deep inside, lust uncurled claws and raked him sharply.

"I'm not jaguar. I told you that."

He dropped behind her to take a good look at her bottom encased so snugly in denim. His heart nearly stopped. The woman was built like a woman should be, all curves and temptation.

"Stop it," she hissed and sent him another smoldering look over her shoulder. "I'm so mad at you right now, nothing you do is charming." Because she knew it wasn't about his lack of manners or his arrogant, ridiculous behavior, it was about her behavior. Whether she liked it or not, she was different inside. Whether she liked it or not-whether she even admitted it or not-she was burning and aching for this man, only this man, to touch her, to be inside of her. His obnoxious dominating ways should have repelled her, but instead she found him fascinating, mesmerizing even. And that shouldn't have been acceptable.

"I cannot help it if I find you attractive," Manolito protested. "Looking at you puts ideas in my head. I am more than happy to share them with you."

"Well don't. Sex isn't the same thing as love, Manolito, and couples, husband and wife and lifemates, are supposed to be in love. That's how it works."

"You will learn to love me," he said,

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