Dark Possession - Aja James Page 0,82

heard it then. One whispered word that warmed his blood in ways he’d never felt before. He heard it again every time he’d taken her vein since then. The sound of it growing louder, more insistent, more difficult to ignore.

But he still ignored it.

Now, when he penetrated her with his maleness, locking them together so tightly they were truly one and the same, yet still so starkly female and male, two distinct but inseparable halves of a whole, the word roared through him in an explosive conflagration:


Something irrevocable and absolute locked into place within him. Something he’d never felt and never realized he’d been searching for. Endlessly searching. But he’d never had it with Ashlu. And he’d quashed all desire for it since his ill-fated Dark-Mate.

After all these millennia, Eveline found him. Though she, too, hadn’t been searching. They’d found each other.

They’d come home.

He didn’t know all the ins and outs of what this meant. He didn’t know if this was “love” in all its undefinable forms. He thought he felt it once upon a time, but he knew now that it had been a destructive obsession. Loneliness. Dependence. Desperation for a place of belonging.

But one thing Ramses did know, in this moment, with everything he was, that he’d never, ever, let Eveline go.

He held her tightly against him with one arm behind her back, and cupped her head to hold her where he wanted her with his other hand. He stared intensely into her dilated blue-gray eyes, darkened to slate with undiluted passion, as he slowly undulated beneath her, pulling out almost to the tip before surging powerfully back inside until he was balls deep again, ramming home with a bone-jarring, muscle-melting jolt.

“Mine,” he growled, barely moving his lips, his eyes unblinkingly spearing into hers.

She gasped and shuddered in time with each of his slow, deep, impossibly deep thrusts, her eyes glazing over with mindless pleasure.

But she still had the wherewithal to grab his hips with her small, firm hands and pull him with surprising force back into her as he retreated again.

“Mine,” she said, not as an echo of his Claim on her, but clearly making a demand of her own.

Involuntarily, he shuddered at her possession, feeling it change him totally from the inside out, as if he were being reborn.

But she wasn’t done, apparently, because she continued her stuttered, impassioned speech:

“Don’t even…think…I’ll put a curse on anyone…”

He focused on picking up the pace of his thrusts while she struggled with words, the euphoric pleasure he gave her making her nearly incoherent. Not that it stopped her from making her thoughts known.

“…Curse them! If anyone touches you…mmph…” she paused to groan deeply when he angled his hips just right and turned all of her insides into one continuous orgasmic tunnel, until every nerve ending buzzed with ecstasy.

“…Look at you…only me…”

As delirious with pleasure as he made her, she somehow still managed to cling to the fiery wrath of her possession of him, her eyes intently melding with his. One of her hands dug into his hip as she held him tightly, the other hand lowering to wrap around the root of him, too thick for her fingers to entirely encircle, though it didn’t stop her from squeezing him with enough strength to make stars burst behind his eyelids.

“…This…mine…only mine…never going to serve anyone but me…MINE!”


His entire body felt as if it was just set on fire, starting from the root of his sex to every cell and nerve ending. He thought for certain even his hair was smoking as he burned up from the inside out.

Holy shit! Did she just put a curse on his cock?

And yet, instead of feeling panicked or furious, Ramses only felt the deepest sense of calm settling over him, blanketing his cold soul with warmth, melting the stone fortress around his heart into red-hot lava.

She wanted to own his sex? She could have it. It was hers regardless. She didn’t have to bespell it. Or him.

He was hers.

He picked up the pace even further, his thrusts becoming less controlled, the friction between them slicked with their mingled juices and dripping sweat.

He held her lower body slightly apart so that he could fuck up into her like a power drill, and maneuvered her down on him every time he hit home with a breath-stealing twist so that her clit always ground against the hard, satiny root of him, still clutched in her relentless grip.

“Ramses…” she moaned with abandon, no longer able to keep her

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