Dark Possession - Aja James Page 0,34

call her bluff.

Eveline grinned gleefully on the inside, though she kept up her innocent, doe-eyed expression on the outside.

He’d learn soon enough: she never bluffed.

Keeping their gazes intensely fused, he let go of the headboard and rose up a little on his knees.

Slowly, as if he had all the time in the world, he untied the sash of the flowing black trousers at his waist. Then, he undulated his hips smoothly, just once.

Good gracious, the male could move!

Eveline’s heart thumped faster and pumped flaming hot blood through her veins to all of her erogenous zones on that one little hip action alone.

The loose material caressed his skin as it wisped down, catching slightly on his jutting sex, before falling past his upper thighs to pool around his knees.

Eveline blinked at the convenience of his wardrobe.

No underwear.

Just glorious, honey-bronzed skin and crisp, dark hair.

Mmm. She liked.

She almost wished he’d pull up his trousers and tie the sash again so she could be the one to pull it loose, like tugging the end of a ribbon knot that would unwrap and reveal the most exquisite present.

He grasped the headboard with one hand again, while the other hand wrapped around the base of his intimidatingly large member.

And Eveline thought irrelevantly that it was also intimidatingly beautiful, just like the male himself.

With a slight nudge of his hips, he brought his engorged manhood to her mouth, until the plump, round head, dewy with his essence, kissed her sensitive, waiting lips.

“Yes?” he rasped low, rubbing himself against her closed mouth, marking her with his pre-cum, filling her nostrils full of his musky, earthy, intoxicating scent.

Even now, he expected her to back down, she could see it in his wary, hooded black eyes. In posing a question, rather than forcing her to open up and take him, he was giving her a way out.

Eveline somehow knew, down to the deepest depths of her soul, that this male would never force a female to service him. One, a magnificent male like this never needed to. Any number of females would be clamoring to worship any part of his body. He practically dripped liquid sex and ecstasy out of every pore.

And two…

There was a flicker of vulnerability in the heat of his obsidian gaze that she almost thought she imagined.

But it was there.

He was giving her a way out with his words, but he was offering himself to her with his actions, literally bringing the most private part of him to her mouth with his own hand.

When was the last time this male had offered something so intimate to another being? Not for anything but his own pleasure?

Eveline was nothing if not observant.

In the short time when the Dark King had held his court, she’d seen the calculation, hunger and avarice in the eyes of the queens and nobles when they looked upon him. She’d seen intimate knowledge of his body in some of the females’ eyes, and the desire to acquire the knowledge in others.

But she’d also felt, as she leaned back against him sitting at his feet, the steely tension in his frame, as if he was bracing himself against the onslaught of their covetous, greedy gazes. He hated the way they looked at him. She was certain, too, that he hated the way they used him.

Even though he used them back. And she knew that he did. She was not naïve. He was not a male who could be had unless he specifically allowed it. Even so, he hated it. She felt it.

Yet now, with her, he was offering himself. He was offering it for “free.”

And because he was silently giving her the right to refuse him, he was bracing himself for her potential rejection. It would hurt him, she instinctively knew, even if it was only a little sting. She had the ability to hurt this powerful, proud, warrior male—a bloody King—with her rejection.

As unbelievable as it seemed, she comprehended with sudden clarity that this was a male who knew the pain of being rejected.

“Yes,” she answered unequivocally.

And showed him she meant it with her actions.

First, she parted her lips just slightly, so that he could feel her hot breath on the most sensitive part of his body. She nuzzled his silky crown with her mouth and wet her lips again with her tongue, accidentally-purposely wetting him too.

His breathing stuttered at the gesture, and his eyelids fell to half-mast.

Lord, but she loved that slumberous expression on his gorgeous face.

Next, she placed her small hands

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