Dark Possession - Aja James Page 0,102

simply sat back and enjoyed the show.

“I-if…m-my…” the female stuttered, looking as if she was about to pee in her pants.

Ramses let her struggle for a while before ending the embarrassing display.

“Modern vampires. No backbone,” he muttered beneath his breath before saying more loudly, “I am in a generous mood this night, you are in luck, Arria of the Great Plains Hive.”

The sudden hopeful look on the female’s face made Eveline bite the inside of her lip to keep from laughing. She was becoming such a naughty, awful person, taking pleasure in the discomfort of others. But she accepted this vindictive streak with the same equanimity that she accepted her other newly discovered streaks.

This was the new Eveline, after all. She embraced it.

“I will allow the conclusion of the Challenge to be recorded as forfeit in the history tomes,” Ramses said magnanimously.

“Instead of Anya’s life, I will demand her dominion instead. As her representative, you have the power to accept my rule by taking a knee before me now, or accept a swift execution on behalf of your queen. Decide, before I change my mind.”

With all due haste, Arria went down on one knee, bowing her head.

“The Great Plains Hive accepts your rule, Dark King Ramses, from this day hence. Our resources are ever at your disposal whenever you deign to call upon them.”

Ramses gave a brief nod and clipped, “Dismissed.”

The Great Plains contingent exited the throne room in orderly fashion, and Eveline imagined that she saw cowardly tails between their legs as they shuffled out.

A few beats after they had gone, one of the other Dark nobles spoke up. Eveline did not know who he was, but he seemed “older.” And by the way everyone around him hushed with respect, she knew that his words held sway over the other nobles.

“Dark King Ramses,” the male began, “that was an impressive display of power and forbearance. We are proud to serve such a strong, yet merciful, ruler.”

Ramses merely pinned him with a glinting stare, waiting for him to get to his point.

The male shifted his gaze, more curious than judgmental, toward Eveline.

“Does your largesse extend to the Pure Ones as well? Are we to understand that the New England Hive has officially entered into an alliance with our long-held enemies?”

Ramses rolled his shoulders in a nonchalant shrug, even while Eveline held her breath, half in anticipation, half in dread, of his answer.

“My…contract with this particular Pure One is of a personal nature,” he purred in that low, sinful voice, immediately conjuring “personal” images writhing lustfully in Eveline’s overactive imagination.

“If it connoted something more formal that impacted the hive, you’ll be the first to know, Jacob.”

“You are treating her as an equal,” the male called Jacob said, “by allowing her to sit beside you on the throne.”

“An accurate observation,” Ramses confirmed smoothly, unperturbed, “for Eveline is my equal in every way. Our…insatiable appetites, for one, are quite unparalleled. Isn’t that right, little sprite?”

Eveline gulped and slid her eyes sideways at the taunting male beside her, her cheeks heating in a telltale blush.

But she managed to say in a steady, sure voice, “Exactly so, honey bear. I can’t wait for this boring event to end so I can take you back to our chambers and chow down.”

Ramses’ lips parted slightly as if stunned.

Jacob’s face went slack even as his eyes rounded in astonishment at her bold declaration.

Did they think she was going to sit there meekly and take whatever Ramses and those arrogant Dark nobles dished out? Hadn’t these blustery, showy vamps learned that she was made of sterner stuff by now?

She slid one hand across the almost nonexistent divide between their seats to finger-walk up Ramses’ hard, muscular thigh. When she reached the place where his leg met his hipbone, she curled her fingers dangerously close to his groin and squeezed.

“Mmm,” she murmured low, for his ears only, and shot him a sizzling hot look from beneath her lashes.


To which he barked, keeping his glittering obsidian gaze fused with hers—

“Out! Court is adjourned.”

*** *** *** ***

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

That was the sound of Eveline’s shoes as she practically ran alongside Ramses’ lengthy strides as he pulled her by the hand down the short corridor behind the throne room to his chambers.

For days, she ignored him, acting as if everything they shared together in the lava cave hadn’t happened.

Ramses was both furious and…shaken.

After they safely returned to the Cove, he’d kissed her hard and thoroughly before convening a special meeting with his

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