Dark Obsession (Vampire Royals of New York #3) - Sarah Piper Page 0,60

“Turn that over to Rogozin—to any demon—and you may as well drop to your knees and offer to suck his cock.”

“Even if we defeat Rudy and Estas and avoid the robbery,” Charlotte said, “if you keep that blade, you’re going to be hunted. The demons will never stop trying to take it from you, and eventually, they’ll succeed. I’d bet my left tit they’ll come after it the minute they figure out Rudy can’t deliver it.”

“I’d really prefer you not bet your body parts, love,” Dorian said. “I’ve gotten rather attached to all of them. Furthermore…” He closed his eyes and rubbed them, wishing like hell he wasn’t about to say this next bit, but seeing no way around it. “I actually agree with you.”

“Fuck,” Gabriel said. “So do I—about the blade being a danger to us, not about aligning with Rogozin. There has to be a better way.”

“I’m all ears,” Dorian said, but Gabriel had nothing more to add.

“Charlotte,” Isabelle said, “what was the second thing?”

Charlotte sipped her gin and tonic, then turned to Dorian. “After Malcolm convened his council, you told me you weren’t opposed on principal—only that you wanted to see other supernaturals represented.”

“If and when I decide to form an advisory committee, then yes, I would want everyone represented. But… Wait. Surely you’re not suggesting…?”

“That’s exactly what I’m suggesting.”

“You want me to extend an olive branch to the Rogozin demons? To invite them to the literal table?”

“I’m asking you to objectively look at the situation we’re in. Even if we defeat Chernikov, you’re still going to need more allies going forward. Your father has only recently died, and look at the chaos that’s already come to your door. If we can secure an alliance with one of the most powerful demonic factions in the city—one poised to become the most powerful, if we can take out Chernikov—that can only help keep the peace.”

“Are you serious?” Gabriel rose from his chair, glaring at Charlotte as if she were mad. “Rogozin is not our friend, Charlotte. He’s a demon. You of all people should know that.”

“Gabriel,” Dorian warned. “Do not speak to—”

“No, he’s right,” Charlotte said. “I should know that—and I fucking do, Gabriel. Believe me. Rogozin’s guys did unspeakable things to me as a kid. But I need to set my personal feelings about them aside, because what’s happening now is so much bigger than me. War is coming, guys. Chernikov is the bigger threat right now—to House Redthorne and to Rogozin. But if your house and Rogozin’s organization are united against that threat, Chernikov doesn’t stand a chance. It’s time to make a deal.”

“Are you hearing yourself?” Gabriel shoved a hand through his hair, the air around him crackling with his anger. “Fucking hell, Charlotte. You find out your uncle’s a demon, and suddenly you’re an expert in navigating supernatural politics.”

Dorian was out of his chair in a flash, but he stopped just short of putting his little brother through the wall. As much as he wanted to defend her from his brother’s utter dickishness, Charlotte was doing a fine job on her own.

“Watch your tone, brother,” he said instead, letting him off with a warning—the last he’d offer before mounting Gabriel above the mantle like a piece of art.

“Look, Gabriel,” Charlotte said. “I don’t pretend to know anything about supernatural politics. I’m just speaking as someone who’s spent her entire life watching men swing their dicks around and play bullshit power games just to get one more slice of the proverbial pie. Vampires, demons, mortals… Corruption and greed rots everyone the same—from the inside out. So if you don’t mind, kindly put your dick away before you break something, and give me a fair shot for once.”

Dorian let loose a laugh, but Gabriel failed to see the humor.

Instead, he turned on Dorian with ice in his eyes. “I know you think you’re in love, brother, but that’s no reason to let this woman lead you into the wolf’s den.”

So much for Gabriel’s compassion.

“In all your long years, brother,” Dorian snapped, “have you ever cared for anyone? Or do you honestly prefer keeping your bed as cold as your heart?”

Gabriel slammed his drink onto the mantle. “Insults. Excellent strategy. In the meantime, I hope you like the feeling of hellfire up your ass. I’m sure Rogozin will pull out all the stops, especially after what we did to his demons in Woodside.”

“You were supposed to pin that on Chernikov.”

“I did what I could, brother. No guarantees.

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