Dark Kings (Feathers and Fate #1) - Sadie Moss Page 0,39

not angry.

Oh, crap. This is terrifying.

The two men are crashing around the space, slamming each other into the walls, hitting with fists and elbows and knees. They’re attacking with such viciousness that I’m scared they’ll actually kill each other. I yell at them to stop, but I don’t think either of them can even hear me.

This is ridiculous. Insane. They’re both going to get seriously hurt, and for no good reason.

Ford manages to get the upper hand briefly, and he crashes onto Beckett. The two of them roll across the floor, nearly knocking into me. Before I can even blink, Remington grabs me and spins me around, pinning me to the wall and shielding me with his body.

His arms are on either side of my head, his solid frame pressed up against me completely.

All the breath leaves my lungs in a rush.

Chapter Fourteen


The poor girl is trembling.

Trinity is clutching me, shaking, peering over my shoulder as her wide eyes watch my two brothers duking it out. She’s never seen anything like this before, I’m sure. Poor angel.

“They’re going to kill each other!” she whispers. “You have to stop it!”

Shaking my head, I let out a sigh. “I try to keep the peace as much as I can, but I know how to pick my battles.”

Beckett and Ford are the most hot-headed of my brothers—with the possible exception of Ryland. One could argue that we’re all hot-headed in our own way, and I suppose that’s true. We’re all very stubborn, and we’re set in our ways. It’s not surprising, given that we’ve been at this for millennia. It would take a lot to truly shake us up and change our habits.

“I don’t understand.” Trinity looks close to tears, her brown eyes shining up at me. “How are you so calm?”

Hard work and dedication, honestly.

I used to try to intercede every time my brothers fought, but that just gave me a headache and constant anxiety. They always find a way to survive, in the end. Right now, the only thing I’m worried about is Trinity getting hurt. She’s a sweet thing.

I’ve got no love for angels. None of us do. But she’s different than anyone from Upstairs I’ve ever met. Maybe it was her fall that changed her, or maybe she’s always been like this, but there’s something so vibrant and pure about her that it draws me in.

When she indulged in my food earlier, she was so wholehearted about it, like she’d never experienced anything like it. The sweet ecstasy on her face made heat course through me. Even now, having her pressed against me is doing things to my body, and I have to make sure I maintain control.

Luckily, all the years spent keeping my temper around my brothers has given me a lot of practice.

“They’re going to be all right,” I reassure her quietly.

“How?” The angel still sounds confused, and another tremor wracks her body. “They’re going to hurt each other!”

“Not necessarily.” I take one hand off the wall and tilt her chin to meet my gaze, drawing her focus away from the fight and onto me. “Ford’s difficult to deal with, it’s true. But they always work it out in the end. Wrath burns hot, but once the fuel is all burned away, there will be calm… for a while, at least. They just need to work off some steam.”

“This is working off steam? They’re hurting each other! Brothers shouldn’t fight like this.”

I can’t help but chuckle at that. “You’ve still got a lot to learn about us. And about humans, Trin.” I tend to give people nicknames, and I hope she doesn’t object to this one. She doesn’t say anything, so I continue. “Brothers do fight. Not always quite like this, but still. When you’ve been around as long as we have, grudges build up. Besides, we’re not brothers in the usual sense. We came into existence at the same time, so we see each other as family in some ways. But in other ways, we feel like we’re just stuck with each other. Trapped, I guess. So it gets frustrating.”

At least with Ford and Beckett, it’ll wear off quickly. Once they get this latest grudge out of their system, they’ll go back to just occasionally poking at each other. It’s how they are.

Trinity licks her lips, still gazing up at me. “Are you sure they’ll be okay?”

“I’m sure.”

And I mean it. Nix is still offering his color commentary, and he wouldn’t be doing that if things

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