Dark Kings (Feathers and Fate #1) - Sadie Moss Page 0,28

The warmth, the sense of home, the feeling of belonging. It’s like I’m learning who Remington is by eating this meal that he’s prepared.

Beckett arches an eyebrow at me. “You taste what you want to taste; what you want to indulge in.”

I pause.

Remington’s food… tastes like home.

What is home, to me? It’s the place I can’t go. The place I was banished from. The place I’m trying to get back to. I’m lying and manipulating these sins so I can achieve that. Remington’s food tastes of what I want more than anything.

Well, then.

“Ever since you started eating, what have you been talking about? Remington. About how great he is.” Beckett nods at the servers as they deliver us another course. “What about that whole demon portal you were so eager to get help with just a short bit ago? You know, the one you were so determined to stop yesterday that you were going to march out by yourself while injured to make it happen?”

My jaw drops, probably giving Beckett a very unappetizing view of the half-chewed food in my mouth.

Oh, no.

I completely forgot about that.

I forgot about everything. I was so focused on getting more of the delicious flavor, the feeling of home, that everything else faded from my mind.

I quickly shove the plate of food away. Beckett laughs and pulls it toward him instead, digging in.

“What does it taste like to you?” I ask.

His eyes darken. For a moment, I see real anger and pain in his green irises before he snaps back to normal. “I don’t think that’s any of your business, is it, angel?”

A shiver runs down my spine, and I remind myself for the dozenth time that there’s so much I don’t know about these men. There’s certainly more to Beckett than I thought.

“How are you guys enjoying the food?” Remington asks, walking back up and breaking the tense moment that hovers between us. He’s all congenial smiles, and I hate the fact that he looks, sounds, even smells like home. I know it’s just a trick, the power of his sin working its magic, but he’s gotten under my skin—and I don’t know how to undo that.

“It’s delicious, as always,” Beckett says like he’s at the head of the table in a boardroom. “Sit for a minute. We need to talk.”

“About what? Is it one of the others?” Remington sounds immediately concerned. He slides into the seat on my other side, meeting my gaze. “Are you here about one of my brothers?”

“They’re all fine. As far as I know.” Beckett adds the last bit almost as an afterthought.

“Geez, Beck.” Gluttony shakes his head, letting out a breath. “Give a guy a heart attack. Maybe lead with that next time?”

“It’s not my fault if you jump to the wrong conclusions.”

“Given our history? You can’t blame me.” Remington shoots me an apologetic smile, and I find myself smiling back. No, stop it. Bad Trinity! “Sorry about us. Siblings, you know?”

I nod, even though I don’t know. I suppose technically the others who used to work with me Upstairs are my “siblings,” but we never acted like it. Not like these men do. We acted more like coworkers. Fellow employees.

“I don’t know if you happened to notice anything unusual last night, seeing as you’re married to your kitchen.” Beckett raises an eyebrow. “But a sinkhole to Below has opened up right here in the city.”

The other sin blinks a few times. “Are… you’re serious? A sinkhole to—” He stops and looks at me. “Um. I’m assuming you’re not a normal human if he’s saying this kind of thing in front of you.”

“She’s an angel,” Beckett says with his usual flair for being bluntly honest in the most annoying way possible.

Remington’s mouth falls open. He looks me up and down, seeming a little in awe, then smiles. “I haven’t seen an angel in millennia. Wow.” He frowns. “He didn’t sleep with you, did he? I’m so sorry if he did.”

“Are you insulting my skills in the bedroom?” Beckett sounds highly offended.

“More your interpersonal skills. But we’re working on those.” Remington says this last bit to me very seriously, like he is in fact having a once a week meeting with Beckett on how to be a nicer person to his one-night stands.

I swallow hard and then clear my throat, my entire mouth suddenly going bone-dry.

“Um… we haven’t… no. Uh, we—I sealed up the portal for now but it won’t last, my seal I mean, and we have to

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