Dark Illusion - Christine Feehan Page 0,93

over with them as Julija’s magic had destroyed the layers of safeguards, allowing him to get closer to Vasile. Because the cats were mere shadows, they didn’t trigger any of the mage’s defenses. That was how the shadow cat had managed to get past Gregori and Mikhail’s safeguards surrounding the book to steal it.

“What are we going to do with all of these cats, Blue? We have a little pack.”

Blue pushed close to him. Phantom and Sable watched him suspiciously while Comet and Phaedra waited for his orders.

“Come here to me, Phantom.” He thought it best to let the male feed first to show the wary female that he wasn’t going to harm them in any way. She would do whatever her mate did.

The instant Phantom moved out of the shadow, out into the open, Sable crouched low in a position to defend him should there be need. Blue shifted position subtly, moving locations just slightly, just enough to protect Isai and Julija. When Blue changed his stance, Belle, Phaedra and Comet did as well.

Isai couldn’t help but smile to himself. Already, his little pack was forming strong ties. He had been alone and used to working by himself, and now he was surrounded with . . . family. He would count these cats as part of his family. He used his teeth to open his wrist and offer the bright drops of blood to the starving male.

Instead of pouncing immediately, Phantom looked at him warily, sensing a trap. “It is your choice, boy,” Isai said. “But you have to make it soon. I intend to take my woman and get her to a resting place. I want to do that fast. The mages have more coming, which you probably already know.”

The shadow cat looked around him and then at Blue. Blue didn’t move but remained staring with eyes that went from amber to red, glowing there in the darkness, a subtle warning. Step by wary step, Phantom came forward. His entire body shuddered, but he stretched his neck until he could reach the rich offering. The tongue came out, a rough rasp as it licked tentatively at Isai’s wrist. The moment the cat took the first lick, it leapt back, watching Isai, clearly expecting a reprimand.

Julija stirred in his arms, one hand sliding up his chest. She felt small. Insubstantial. “I do not want you to move, little mage. I am uncertain whether you are the bravest, most courageous woman in the world, or reckless, rash and imprudent. No matter which it is, you have taken years off my life.”

She rubbed her face against his chest, directly over his heart. “Since you are nearly immortal, it most likely wasn’t that great of a sacrifice.”

Her tone was teasing, inviting him to share the humor, but watching her nearly fall to her death was still too close. Feeling her body, so light, almost insubstantial, like the cats’, as if every bit of her strength had been drained from her, didn’t make him see much humor in anything, let alone the situation.

Phantom began licking at the droplets in earnest. He had to feed both cats, Phantom and Sable, before they could get moving. He wanted to find a place to settle before he took care of Julija. They had two blood exchanges. One more and she would be wholly converted. He was certain, because she bore the mark of the high mage, she would always have her mage legacy, but he wasn’t absolutely positive. How could he be? As long as he had been alive, there’d been no precedent set.

“I think we are going to have a very long talk about your abilities,” Isai finally said to Julija. “This is never happening again.”

“‘This’ being?”

“Your helping me. I intend to lock you in the ground, deep where no enemy can get to you whenever danger arises.”

“Is that what you’re going to do?” She nuzzled his throat.

There was that hint of laughter in her voice that somehow brought light to his world. The cats had switched places. Sable was drinking the crimson drops while her mate remained on alert. He could see the thin places on their bodies where one could see right through them.

“That is exactly what I am going to do.”

“Right now, I would let you,” Julija whispered.

The weariness in her voice got to him. She was exhausted. He had fought Vasile’s monsters, one by one as they rose in front of him, and he was still fresh, ready to do battle

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