Dark Illusion - Christine Feehan Page 0,73

and put one giant paw on the narrow trail that led down to where the two sat with Belle and Blue. Isai held up his hand in a wait command to the two cats who watched Comet warily.

“Aćke éntölem it—take another step toward me. I am Karpatii. Your brother. I offer you life—or death. You choose. Stay where you are and be treated as a cur, kicked and beaten by those who have no aka-arvo—respect. With us, you will be treated as family. You are intelligent, Comet. Choose life or death now.”

Julija wasn’t certain if she wanted Comet to choose life. He moved one slow step at a time. Above them, Phaedra had taken his place, crouching to watch their every movement, determined to protect her mate. She looked terrible. Her coat was thin and shabby, and when she slipped from her solid form to shadow, there were visible holes in the shadow creature. Her brothers had starved the cats almost beyond salvation. They must have done so in preparation for hunting her.

She shivered and wrapped her arms around her middle as the huge male came closer. Isai sent her a sharp, assessing look. She was grateful that he thought her strong and steady enough to handle the anticipation of the cats’ attack on them, but at the same time, a little protection would have been nice.

Isai’s blue gaze jumped to her face. “Do you really think I would not protect you? Above all else, Julija, you have my protection and care. If you need to go, or to be invisible, I will aid you to do so, although you are capable of that layer of protection yourself. I suspect these cats would find you. They have some element of Carpathian blood, most likely from the blood they took from you.”

She jerked her gaze from the female cat crouched above her and turned her head to stare at him. “I knew they gave them blood. But . . .” She trailed off. What was the use? Her brothers were sick individuals, and they had tried to create the ultimate in a weapon. A shadow that could slip in and out of homes, maybe even dreams, kill when they were told to and return cowed to their masters.

Blue snarled and Isai dropped his hand down toward their cat, offering him the blood trailing down his wrist.

“In our world, Julija, blood is everything. It is what gives life and what takes it away. Our blood heals. It is powerful. We are nearly immortal because of our blood. Xavier was well aware of this and wanted it for himself. Blood was the one thing that always eluded him. Those he used for supply had to be kept weak and near death. I suspect your brothers, once they saw the power in the cats they bred, were afraid of them. They followed tradition and kept them weak.”

She swallowed hard. The big male was so close now that Blue’s head went up and he stepped back, his body going to shadow, his eyes glowing hotly as he followed Comet’s every movement. Comet crept closer, his gaze going from Isai’s face, to Blue and then to Isai’s wrist.

Isai put the temptation of the twin blood trails sliding down his wrist directly in front of Comet. “Trust is difficult when you have no reason,” he said softly. “My little mage had a difficult time trusting me. Belle and Blue did as well. We welcome you and Phaedra to our family. You will remain with us.”

She gasped, one hand going to her throat, then she wished she hadn’t. Comet followed the movement with his gaze and at once the amber in his eyes receded so that the glowing hot coals of red replaced the cooler color.

“On me,” Isai said. “Stay on me, Comet.” Again, there was both command and compulsion in his voice.

Julija had to admire him. The cat was moving closer and closer to him and he didn’t so much as flinch. At this distance, even if Isai wanted to defend himself, the cat could rip him to shreds. Up close, Comet was even more intimidating than Blue. The cat had weight, height and more roped muscles than she’d ever seen on an animal. His claws were enormous, more like a grizzly’s than a panther’s, although retractable.

“His fur is a mess,” she whispered softly.

“No nutrition. He’s hurting. They both are.”

She hadn’t wanted to let them in her mind because she was certain they would have to kill

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