Dark Illusion - Christine Feehan Page 0,25

hugged herself tightly in the hopes Elisabeta could feel it. I am here for you. You will not be alone.

I am so lucky to have met you, Julija. Thank you for being my friend.

Julija didn’t hear hope in Elisabeta’s voice. Not one small bit. Her lifemate had done that. The thought of having one had overwhelmed her friend, not made her happy. Julija was no closer to an answer than she had been before, but she had to help Elisabeta. She couldn’t leave her to suffer in terror hiding beneath the ground.

You say lifemates have to make their women happy, Elisabeta.

Yes. The pairs are meant for one another.

Elisabeta fell neatly into Julija’s trap. Then this man has been made for you and you for him. He will make you happy.

I wish I could believe that, but I am no longer the one who carries his soul.

You must, or he wouldn’t know it was you, right?

I worded that incorrectly. I do not know how to say this. I have guarded his soul carefully from Sergey and it earned me my worst punishments, but I was adamant, he could not bring down my shield. I would have suicided first.

Now Julija could hear the terrible screams of agony Elisabeta had made when Sergey punished her for not giving him what he demanded. She shivered, desperate to reach out to her friend. No prisoner of war could have been treated as cruelly as the vampire had treated the one he’d captured and kept for himself.

You are more than worthy of this man who claims you. Was it trading one prison for another? Was that how Elisabeta saw it? That was how Julija saw it for both of them. Maybe I can steal you away somewhere they can’t find us until we sort things out and have the chance to decide our own fates. She half joked, half made the offer.

That is a wonderful thing to offer me, Julija, but I cannot accept. Elisabeta took her seriously. I will honor my commitment to him once he knows that I have been changed for all time and we might not fit. He would feel responsible for me once he ties us together, so I hope to get the chance to speak before he does so.

Just talk to him as soon as you surface.

Elisabeta gasped, clearly horrified. I cannot speak to him, not without permission.

Julija went very still, fighting down a surge of anger. What do you mean? You have to wait for permission to speak before you can talk to a lifemate? Isai didn’t tell me that.

Instantly Julija had the overwhelming impression of shame. Her heart sank. She pressed her fingers to her eyes, wishing the pounding headache would go away.

I’m sorry. It was too late to take back the blunder and Julija inwardly cursed herself for her carelessness. Elisabeta had spent centuries asking permission to speak. She was so conditioned that by now, that law was so ingrained in her that she probably couldn’t speak without permission. All along, Julija had thought she was the only one who would understand Elisabeta’s special needs, but she was already failing her.

There is no need to be sorry. I have told you, and it is true. I am much altered. I believe when my lifemate becomes aware I cannot even think for myself, he will free me. Now her voice shook with terror. I do not want him to despise me for being the way I am, and yet I must confess to him. He has waited centuries to find me. Gone through so much, and I have nothing of value to give him. I am ashamed and feel sorrow for him.

Elisabeta took on such a burden, despising who she was and what she’d become because she didn’t feel she had anything to give her lifemate, while Julija had turned hers down. She was beginning to feel the urgent need to see Isai. To hear his voice. To touch his mind.

Don’t, Elisabeta. Don’t think that of yourself.

It is the truth. I cannot blame him if he turns me away, but without someone to guide me, I do not know what I will do.

Julija swallowed hard. I will come to you.

You must sort out your life, Elisabeta said. You are willing to sacrifice yourself for me, but not for your lifemate. Do you have any idea why?

Julija abruptly pulled out of Elisabeta’s mind, slamming the door hard on any memories that tried to creep in. She would not go

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