Dark Illusion - Christine Feehan Page 0,172

she had a partner and he would do the same for her.

Are you happy, Julija? Really happy?

Elisabeta’s voice was a sweet relief, removing the last of Barnabas, pushing him from Julija’s mind. There was just something about listening to Elisabeta, hearing that soft voice, her tone, that brought peace and comfort. Hers was a rare gift.

I cannot wait to see you in person again. It feels like a lifetime. Do you feel strong enough to come to the surface soon?

There was a small hesitation. That hesitation had been there for the last week. Julija had the feeling Elisabeta had made up her mind to stay in the comfort of the ground.

My dear friend, you can’t stay there forever. Come to the surface and be my friend.

Again, there was the slightest hesitation. I must wait.

Julija frowned and turned her head to look at her lifemate. She had wanted to introduce him to Elisabeta, but this was new. Each rising Julija asked Elisabeta to come to the surface and she’d always refused. This was the first indication that she was waiting for a reason. Wait for what? I don’t understand.

I must wait, Elisabeta repeated. Soon, I think. I wish to see you, Julija.

I have Isai with me, she repeated, wanting Elisabeta to realize she meant he was right there listening. I want you to meet him. He’s a wonderful man. My man. Everything I could have ever wished or hoped for.

Isai wrapped his arm around Julija and settled her more comfortably in his lap. It is good to finally meet you, Elisabeta. Thank you for being such a good friend to my Julija.

There was a long silence. May I speak? Elisabeta’s voice shook. I don’t know what to do in these circumstances. He hasn’t told me.

Julija felt Isai stiffen. His eyes went from warm to cold in seconds.

Elisabeta, you may speak, Isai confirmed. Who tells you? Who needs to give his permission for you to speak?

Julija put her hand very gently on his arm to restrain him. The last thing she wanted was for Elisabeta to shut down. She was deep beneath the earth, safe, where nothing could happen to her. She was fed and then allowed to go back to the healing soil. Julija wanted to coax her to the surface, not scare her into staying underground. She was very aware Isai’s first thought was that Sergey, the Carpathian who’d kidnapped her then turned vampire, was spying through her. Julija was certain many of the Carpathians feared that very thing.

Elisabeta. Honey? It’s all right. You haven’t done anything wrong, Julija insisted.

I don’t understand the rules, Elisabeta whispered. No one will tell me the rules.

Julija took a deep breath and turned a little helplessly to Isai. He kissed her fingertips in reassurance.

Have no worries, Elisabeta. Your lifemate will tell you the rules, Isai assured.

There was silence again. May I speak plainly?

Yes, of course, Julija said immediately.

I will leave and allow you your privacy, Isai said. I enjoyed our brief encounter and look forward to meeting you in person, Elisabeta.

Thank you, sir.

Julija closed her eyes again and let Isai cuddle her closer to him. He always seemed to know when she was upset, and she appreciated his immediate response. He knew her reasons for identifying so much with Elisabeta. In retrospect, her time with Barnabas didn’t seem as if it could possibly reflect the time Elisabeta had spent with Sergey, because Elisabeta had been held captive for so long. Sergey hadn’t enjoyed torturing his captive. He wanted her to obey him and as long as she did, he was somewhat pleasant to her. Still, Julija would never think that she’d had anywhere near the difficult time Elisabeta had endured.

She didn’t like that Elisabeta felt subservient to all of them. I am your friend, right?

My only friend.

You talk openly to me.

You gave me your permission when we first met, and you said you were going to find a way to unlock the cage he kept me in.

Isai is my lifemate. He will be your friend and neither of us wants you ever to feel as if you need permission for anything around us. She was fierce about it because she felt fierce.

Thank you for sticking up for me. As always, Elisabeta sounded gentle and sweet.

That is what friends do. I have something really important to tell you. Only Isai knows and for me, it’s a little scary. I am carrying a baby. What do you think about that?

There was a stunned silence. Julija took

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