Dark Illusion - Christine Feehan Page 0,138

to an unfelt breeze. Once off her completely, the blouse mended itself, the pieces going back together, but then the entire thing floated into the other chamber. She watched it go.

“You are totally crazy,” she accused.

She lay on the ground, two huge panthers stretched out beside her, in her dark green bra with her jeans halfway to her knees. She looked a completely sensual creature. His entire focus was on her, noting everything about her. The least little detail. The way she continually shoved at her hair told him she was a little nervous. She wasn’t afraid of him. He knew his little mage wasn’t afraid too much, but it was enough that her emotional reaction to sexual play would heighten her pleasure in the end.

Her laughter was musical. He could only look at her as she threw herself backward in the rich soil, shaking her head and clutching her stomach as if just laughing that much could hurt. His cock hardened more, a savage, relentless ache demanding relief. He was going to have his woman do something about that very soon, but playing was what she needed. Not to think. Not to worry. Just this, a place where she was safe and she could just be her.

Deliberately, to draw her attention, he lifted his hand slightly, just enough so she would see he was still in command and up to something. He flicked at the hooks on her bra; one at a time they opened for him.

She gasped and caught the material, holding it over her breasts, trying to glare accusingly. “What are you doing? You’d better stop, Isai. I’m warning you.”

It was going to take some doing to remove her jeans. She had a death grip on the waist band, although they were off her hips now and had settled around her thighs. She kept trying to tug them up with one hand while she held the bra to her with the other.

He flicked wind at her and one side of the bra lifted so that her breast peeked out at him. Full. Round. Her nipple erect and pink. The sight took his breath. He hadn’t expected to react to the sight of her body, all that bare skin. His. He loved that she was his.

“Isai!” she wailed, somewhere between laughter and feigned anger. “You’d better stop.”

The moment she tried to stop the bra from lifting up, he tugged the jeans down below her knees. For one second, she threw her arms into the air in exasperation. Instantly, the bra floated away, following the blouse into the first chamber. The jeans slipped down to her ankles, one leg sliding off completely.

“Oh no you don’t.” She sat up again, catching the jeans in a death grip. She tried to pull them back up, but the material wouldn’t budge. She looked up until her eyes met his. “What have you done?”

Deliberately, he smirked at her, her breasts drawing his attention as they bounced a little, two perfect spheres that made him all the hungrier for her. His cock screamed for attention, throbbing painfully.

She wore only a pair of lacy dark-green panties. Abandoning the jeans, she put both hands over the underwear, silently daring him to try to take them from her. He first took the jeans, sending the denim into the other chamber, leaving her beautiful legs bare. He loved looking at her and he loved that she liked to play.

Julija shrugged, holding her panties tight. “Fine, you’ve got the others, but there is no way you’ll manage to get these from me.”

The way she positioned her arms, pushed her breasts together, it looked almost as though she was offering herself to him. He dropped both hands to his lap and she followed that downward motion suspiciously with her gaze.

He heard the swift intake of her breath and that made him want to smile, but he didn’t. Very slowly he unbuttoned the jeans, each movement measured and precise. She didn’t take her eyes off him and very slowly she loosened her hold on her underwear. He slipped them down her body and had them to her ankles before she stopped staring at his hands and realized she was going to be entirely naked.

She started laughing again. This time the sound was low and sultry. Sexy. “You can have them.”

“Do you surrender to me?”

She regarded him suspiciously, reaching down to try to get the panties off her calves. “I don’t know, what does that entail?”

Her panties stayed right where they were.

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