Dark Heart Wolf - Haley Weir Page 0,8

what it meant when Sam, Boone, Wesley, and Jesse saved the four of us women after the storm. Fate or somethin’ like it had brought us all together.”


“The prophecy says that we’re mates to the four men, that we will become the alpha females of the four packs that are supposed to be formed once peace is established,” she said with a shrug. “Abigail and Boone are already married. Charlotte and Wesley are perfect for one another, even if they cannot see it themselves. Me? I’ve always known that Sam was the one for me, but I was always the right girl at the wrong time.”

At Ruth’s confusion, Mary Ann explained, “Sam and Boone were grown men the day I was born. I first met Boone when I was eleven. I used to follow him everywhere. Sam and I hadn’t met until I was around your age, but he thought I was just young and naive. He moved away for a long time, and I was stuck here pinin’ after a man who didn’t want me.”

“Pardon me, but that’s some bad luck, Miss.”

Mary Ann chuckled and bobbed her head in agreement. “You’re right. The worst part was when Sam returned to Wolf Valley, he was married to a woman named Savannah. She was pregnant with their little girl, and he was tryin' to turn his life around. When our eyes met, I knew nothin' would ever be the same."

"You said the packs would form after peace was established. What does that mean? The town seems peaceful enough." Ruth stood and unbuttoned her pelisse before laying it over the back of the chair that sat in the corner of the room.

"We're at war," Mary Ann said honestly. "There is a second part of the prophecy. One that talks about dark spirits comin’ to destroy this world. We’ve already met one. The Wendigo Spirit. I won’t get into that with you; I’m sure Jesse will tell you all you need to know. So long as you’re with them, you should be safe.”

“Boone and Abigail, Charlotte and Wesley, you and Sam...what about Mr. Porter?”

“Oh, that would be Beth.” Mary Ann walked over to the door. “They don’t get along too well at the moment, but with the way things are goin’, I don’t think it will be long before he starts feelin’ the matin’ bond with her the way the others have. Sam seems to be the only lost cause.”

“The ones who fight it the most are the ones that fall the hardest.”

“Wise words for such a young woman,” she said with a tinge of awe coloring her voice. “You speak as though you have some experience with love, Miss Ruth.”

“Not me, no. But I’ve seen love grow between all sorts of people.”

“As have I. All right, I’ll leave you to it. You must be exhausted from your trip. Goodnight, Ruth. I will see you in the mornin’.”

“Goodnight, Miss Pearl.”

She headed out of the bedchamber and gave Ruth some privacy. Mary Ann pulled her favorite chair over to the window and stared at the open landscape until the sun peeked out from behind the mountains. She hadn’t slept much since Sam walked out of her bakery. And when she tried to relax for a few hours, the memories of Leroy were too painful. They roiled within her mind constantly. Mary Ann just wanted a moment of peace where her head wasn’t filled with thoughts of Wesley or Leroy or even the wendigo.

Chapter Four

Silver Fox Ranch


Sam flopped into his usual spot at the dining table. Abigail’s eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying all morning. Beth and Wesley hadn’t returned yet, so everyone was on edge. Itsá didn’t know how long Charlotte would survive on her own. Even though Sam hadn’t taken the time to ever really get to know Charlotte, he felt her absence as well. Her laughter had been able to break the tensions between before a fight broke out, and her unusual way of looking at the world had filled the halls of the ranch house with renewed life as she chatted endlessly about this or that. Unlike the others, Sam didn’t blame Wesley for Charlotte’s capture.

She had chosen to go after the man she loved even though she wasn’t certain how he felt about her. That sort of devotion was rare, and Sam respected it. He glanced around at the empty spots at the table. Jesse and Boone were the only other people present aside from Sam

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