Dark Heart Wolf - Haley Weir Page 0,43

more power than a girl Ruth’s age should have possessed. He shook his hand, staring down at it in wonder.

"You are no mere witch or spirit."

"No," she replied. "There are no words yet to describe what I am."

Ethan used his powers to peek behind her façade. The face of the beautiful young woman melted away, revealing a tattered soul of a native woman. He jumped back. "Mortal spirits are not meant to leave the mountain. You are an abomination." The Wendigo Spirit recoiled in disgust. "I would feast on your bones if you were not so tainted."

"You could not kill me even if you tried, ancient one. The ancestors have given me a purpose on this mortal plane. And you are merely a tool within my grasp." She moved to the other side of the room and stood before Kaia and her fellow witches. "My name is Aani."

"The shaman's sister?" Kaia shrieked. "You were the one that created the mirror, the one that showed those filthy mutts how to harm us!"

"You attacked the ranch without a direct order. You knew the risks when you went after Charlotte. All of you are a disappointment. And do not think for one second that I am on your side.” She pulled her cowl over her head once more and picked up a blade the Wendigo Spirit had tainted with his dark magic. Ethan took it from her hand and walked her to the door.

“If not our side, then whose are you on?”

“My own, of course.”

Ethan watched her walk out of the cabin and into the night. The door closed with a loud bang as he slammed it and leaned his back against the wood. Maintaining a human form took a lot of his energy, but he refused to show any weakness in front of the creatures he associated with. Witches were always for hire, and their morals were rarely present. They were good for jobs that required subtlety with humans, but Ethan preferred to do things with a bang.

“How close are they to finding a weapon?”

“One of our people was sent away with the rest of their servants but, before he left, he mentioned overhearing Charlotte say that she knew how to kill us,” Kaia explained. “That...fox has been working with the blacksmith to create weapons.”

“Set fire to the smithing shop.” Ethan pointed to the bank. “And send my men to raid the town. Leave no traces behind except for this.” He tossed Kaia a red scarf. “It belonged to Samuel ‘Red-Eyed Demon’ Cassady. Let’s see how loyal their little town is once they think he’s up to his old ways again. Make it messy.”

Kaia grinned wickedly as she brought the scarf to her nose and sniffed. "And his mate? What should we do to her?"


Wolf Valley


The smell of horse sweat and pine hovered around her like a cloud of toxic smoke. Mary Ann held on tightly as Sam escorted them to the small stables behind her home. The broken wagon still sat near the back of the small structure, serving as a reminder of the tragedy that had brought Beth, Charlotte, and Abigail into her life.

Though things hadn't always been easy, Mary Ann loved her friends dearly.

Sam pulled the horse to a stop within the stables. He helped her down from the saddle, and Mary Ann limped over to the back door. The silence within the house was almost jarring after all that had happened on the mountain. Specks of dust floated in the air as rays of sunlight spilled in from the curtains. Mary Ann didn't feel like she was home.

Sam wasn't the only one who had to let go of the past, for the painful memories that had happened within the house still haunted her from time to time. Mary Ann heard a commotion outside and rushed to see what was the matter. The new sheriff and his deputies circled Sam. She pushed her way in front of them and placed her hands on her hips. "What is goin' on here, Sheriff? Why are you lot harassin' Sam?"

"He needs to come with us. Step aside, Miss Pearl, or else we'll have to lock you up too," the sheriff replied.

"I demand to know what you—”

"The people want his head on a platter," the lawman interrupted. "If I don't walk him out of here clapped in irons, then I'll have a riot on my hands, and I don't want that."

"Cowards! All of you! Rather arrest than do your jobs."

"The bank was robbed,

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