Dark Heart Wolf - Haley Weir Page 0,4

to her bedchamber. He watched until that light went out and he knew she was fast asleep after a long day at work. Jesse threw his arm around Sam’s shoulder and they walked to the saloon just as Beth and Wesley were on their way out. Beth and Jesse avoided one another’s gazes the way Sam often avoided his brother’s. He didn’t know what was going on there and, quite frankly, he didn’t care.

Wesley said his goodbyes and Sam flopped into a chair at one of the tables near the back of the establishment. His hand touched something sticky on the tabletop and he grimaced. The server came over with two glasses and a bottle of whiskey, leaving it behind as Sam relaxed in his seat. The soiled doves fluttering their skirts and dancing around to the music gave him sultry looks like he was a quality cut of beef and they were starving.

“What has Itsá said about the witches that took Charlotte?” Jesse asked, breaking through the lusty haze that fell over Sam’s mind.

“Not much other than the fact that if they’re already this active, then their leader will rise soon. Then we’ll have two of those evil spirits he’s yappin’ about on our list of problems.”

“I’m hoping Beth and Wesley can find Charlotte so we can start strategizing against our enemies. If Itsá is right, the Wendigo Spirit will be gearing up for that big bar we’re supposed to be fighting. That means we’ll be outnumbered and without a weapon that can kill those sons of bitches. I don’t like those odds.”

Sam snorted and waved towards the ladies near the bar. "Mark my words, one of these damsels we saved after the storm will be at the heart of all this mess."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, you lot are fallin' for them fast. If Itsá's prophecies start comin' true, then they are the ones to blame," he supposed. "That's why I stay far away from them unless I need my new sister-in-law to patch me up."

"Abigail is a fine doctor."

"And one hell of a woman." Sam signaled the server to bring over a second bottle. He poured himself a glass and drank the bitter liquid that caused his chest to burn like fire. "When I saw her fightin’ against them outlaws with my brother, I was surprised a little thing like her had it in her. The rest of them are already startin’ all kinds of problems.”

“Speakin' of problems. I know the anniversary of Malia's death is coming up, Sam. I don't want you drinking so much that you—” Jesse stopped talking as Sam tossed another shot down the hatch. Sam frowned into the empty glass with bloodshot eyes.

"How I grieve my daughter is no one else's business."

"It is our business if this situation ends in someone else getting hurt.”

“All I want is for everyone to leave me the hell alone,” Sam complained.

“Everyone? Even Mary Ann? Because the two of you have been the talk of the town since her brother died, Sam. People are starting to look at her differently, and that’s your fault.”

“Mary is a grown woman. I reckon she can handle herself.”

“She can fight with the best of them, and her aim is almost as good as Abigail’s, but that don’t mean she’s strong on the inside,” Jesse scoffed. “And I don’t need to remind you what happened the last time you pointed them red eyes at the wrong woman. Savannah fell for your charms and paid the price...I don’t want to dig Mary Ann out of a burning building, Sam.”

Sam cursed the burning behind his eyes as Jesse tossed back a shot. The other man’s words hung in the air between them like a thick fog over a placid lake. Sam feared speaking, for he didn’t know what demons hiding in the darkness of his mind might come forward. The last thing he wanted was to ruin his friendship with Jesse. He cleared his throat and forced himself to say something. “I won’t hurt Mary Ann.”

“Look, Sam, I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“No,” he insisted. “You were right to say somethin’. No one wants the red-eyed demon around them. I shouldn’t have ever thought Mary Ann was any different. You and the others have it easy. You don’t wear the shame of our species. My eyes tell them I ain't human."

"We can't help the way we were born."

"No, but we shouldn't be forced to hide either. This is our corner of the west. Our great-grandfathers

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