Dark Heart Wolf - Haley Weir Page 0,39

the ability to get angry at Sam for not taking care of himself. She was constantly upset on his behalf, and he didn’t want to bring her any more stress. He adored her for always trying to see the best in him despite his obvious flaws. He didn't deserve her and he knew there was no one else in the world more perfect for him.

Sam lifted his knife to get rid of the rest of the branches when he caught the scent of somethin' thick on the wind. He dropped low and slipped into the shadows. Sam heard a hiss as Mary Ann put out the fire. He crept along the ground, trying to find whatever had thought to sneak up on them. There were no footprints in the patches of snow, but Sam saw a hooded figure among the trees.

"Aaaalexander Eugeeene Cassady," a voice whispered in his mind. Sam grasped his head and trembled. It was like someone had shoved their hand inside of his skull and squeezed.

"I'm his great-grandson…"

The figure turned, and Sam saw ram horns protruding from a deformed woman's head. She had her lips sewn shut and sightless eyes. Markings had been painted over her face and long, greasy hair fell past her shoulders. Wrinkled, leathery skin covered a frail body that was hunched over slightly. Feathers, beads, and little trinkets adorned her body.

"Leeeave the womaaan behind."

"No," Sam said, shaking his head as he stepped away from the ghost witch. "She is my mate, and I will do this for her."

"You will unlock sssomething inside of you. And she will leeesve foreveeer." The Skadegamutc limped closer to Sam, and the pungent smell got stronger. "Turn baaack or face the consequencesss."

"What consequence?"

The Skadegamutc said nothing. She cocked her head at an awkward angle. The buck of a rifle sounded and the ghost witch's face exploded. Time stood still, and the hag's face pooled like liquid before reshaping itself back together. An icicle broke off of a branch and flew towards Mary Ann before Sam could react. It struck his mate in the heart.

Mary Ann looked down at her chest in shock and fell to her knees. The rifle slid across the frozen ground. Sam ran to her side as the Skadegamutc disappeared. She gasped in between rough coughs that caused blood to slither out of the corner of her mouth. Mary Ann grabbed his hand and squeezed as hard as she could, hanging on to him as her breaths got shallower. "I...I'm sorry."

"Ssshh, don't talk. You ain't got to be sorry about nothin'," he protested.


Sam broke inside. Tears blurred his vision and his chest burned as if he had been the one impaled. "No. No, that ain't true. I'll fix this...you can't leave me, Mary. You're my best friend and my mate." He brushed away the tears that fell from her eyes and lifted her into his arms, careful not to jostle the icicle. It was melting quickly, but the thing killing her was the only thing saving her life.

Sam raced towards their makeshift camp and set her on the bedroll. He wrapped her in blankets and then ripped through the rest of the thorny bushes with his bare hands. Mary Ann was right as always. Something dangerous had been trying to keep them off the mountain. But he would climb for Mary Ann even if it killed him. Sam hurried back to her and lifted her into his arms once more. "You gotta stay awake, sweetheart. Please, Mary."

He stumbled a bit, but the way ahead was clear. Sam was hit in the face by a gust of wind that caused snow to flutter all around. He pushed against it and trekked up the harsh, jagged path. One false step and they would tumble over the edge. His boots crunched and ground against packed snow and rocks until he reached a flat shelf at the top of the mountain. Itsá and Gabriel stood back to back with their arms raised above their heads, chanting.

"Help me!" he croaked. His voice was rough from the thin, frigid air and crying. "Itsá! Please help her!"

His voice finally snapped them out of their trance. Itsá ran over to help Mary Ann. Sam set her down and stepped back as the blankets were opened and the poncho was lifted. Itsá waved his brother over. Gabriel's eyes widened, and he blocked Sam's view. A sickening slurping sound was followed by a blood-chilling scream of pure agony. Sam lunged, but an unseen force held

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