Dark Heart Wolf - Haley Weir Page 0,21

asked to accompany Abigail or Boone on their search, she was denied. So, she stared aimlessly out of the widow of her shop each day, trying to focus on something other than Sam. It proved quite the challenge.

Mary Ann huffed and stormed into the back room to grab fresh buns from the oven.

She heard the door chime and hurried back to greet a potential customer. Instead, Sam stood just inside the shop, covered in snow. Mary Ann grew concerned when his usual smile failed to reach his eyes. “Hey there, Mary...I wish I were here to stay, but—”

“I understand, Samuel.” Mary Ann swallowed down her disappointment and scurried around to finish up her work. “What you’re doin’ is important. This town is in danger, and you’re doin’ all you can to keep everyone safe.”

Sam was at her side before Mary Ann could set down the basket of buns. He took it from her hand and placed them on the shelf with the rest of the goods she had baked since that morning. He was so close that she could smell the crisp scent of winter air and pine clinging to his clothing. The streaks of dirt that darkened his skin didn’t distract from the beauty of his sculpted features. Mary Ann felt herself drawing closer to him with each breath.

“It ain’t like that this time,” Sam sighed. “This time, we need you to come along.”

“Go with you?”

“We know the Wendigo Spirit is inside of an outlaw named Ethan Tate. I knew him back when I was runnin’ with my old gang. There’s a train comin’ through Wolf Valley that’s carryin’ a lot of money in the express car, and it’s full of passengers.”

Mary Ann cocked her head to the side. “Why would the Wendigo Spirit be there?”

“Tate and his crew used to raid trains,” Sam explained. “All that money can motivate a lot of outlaws if the Wendigo Spirit is lookin’ to get those tainted weapons into the hands of criminals. Not to mention, it’s full of unsuspectin’ passengers that I’m sure he’d love to pick his teeth with when he’s done robbin’ them blind.”

“Did you try to talk to Ace? I’m sure the coyote shifters might be interested in stoppin’ them weapons from gettin’ into the hands of bandits.” Mary Ann untied her apron and hung it on the hook beside the door before turning over the sign that marked the shop as being closed. She led him out the back door and through the narrow passage that led to her home.

“Wesley and Jesse ain’t too keen on trustin’ Ace. He did help us the last time we needed it, but there ain’t no way to gauge his motives.”

“Who else is comin’?”

“Me, you, Abigail, Beth, Wesley, and Boone,” he said. “Beth and Jesse need to be kept separate so Jesse will join Boone in the express car. Wesley will hang on the rear of the train to keep an eye on things in case somethin’ goes wrong. Abigail and Beth will be amongst the passengers. You and I will be in the baggage car.”

“Where do you think Ethan will be?”

“I’d reckon that if he does show up, he’ll ride alongside with some hired guns and board the train after it departs from the station.” Sam pulled Mary Ann back before she tried to step into her house. “Listen to me; we ain’t got a lot of time. Don’t do anythin’ foolish when we’re on the train. I mean it, Mary. If you see me gettin’ pinned down or somebody else gets hurt, I want you to run. We’re already missin’ Charlotte. Don’t make me have to hunt you down too.”

Mary Ann turned in his arms and whispered, “Don’t make me promise you that. Those weapons can kill you now. I don’t know what the Wendigo Spirit did to them, but you ain’t invincible anymore. I will never choose myself over you.”

“But I need you to live…” Sam simply held Mary Ann until Boone’s voice came down the alley. Mary Ann felt him hesitate before he released her. “Please. Promise me you won’t do anythin’ foolish to save me.” He walked backward, pleading with his eyes until Mary Ann gave in.

She nodded slowly, but she fought against the uncertainty that surged within her. Mary Ann didn’t want to utter the words he so desperately needed to hear...but for Sam, she would do anything. “I promise.”

Chapter Nine

En Route To

Cheyenne, Wyoming

The bang, shake, and rattle of the gears caused Sam’s sensitive ears

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