Dark Heart Wolf - Haley Weir Page 0,11

the teasing in her voice and fought back a smile. "You know what I always say about that, sweetheart."

"To hell with them."

"That's right. To hell with them." Sam struck like a viper, stealing a quick kiss before either of them could think about it. He ran into the house with his heart pounding in his chest. He felt as though he had gone back in time to the days when he was an inexperienced boy lusting after a pretty girl.

"I don't know whether that was pathetic or endearing," Jesse quipped. "But if that's what I have to deal with when I meet my mate, then I'd rather it be childish love than what Wesley and Charlotte went through."

"Sadly, I think my brother had it the easiest. I've known Mary Ann and I were meant to be together for a long time, but it doesn't make me feel as...dirty to be her friend. I don't know if we can ever get to a place where I won't feel like I'm betrayin' Savannah."

"You will."

Sam didn't want hope where he and Mary Ann were concerned. He wanted the sort of easy love that Boone and Abigail were blessed with. If only his weary heart and broken mind would allow such a thing. Each night when Sam laid down to sleep, he saw his wife and daughter dying in that fire all over again. The liquor kept the demons quiet, but only for so long. "I just want silence for a while. I want simple."

"It'll be a long time before any of us get some peace and quiet, Sam. We know better than anyone that there ain't no peace in war." Jesse leaned against the wall beside Sam. "You should see Itsá. I see the way you and Mary Ann are with one another. You'll need a talisman to help you stay in control of yourself."

"You think I'm capable of hurtin' Mary Ann?"

"Yes," Jesse said candidly. "You said yourself that you've begun to express yourself in a more physical manner towards her. You grab her and chase after her in ways you never have before."

Sam felt the weight of Jesse's words and the absolute shame of the truth behind them. "Where is Itsá now?"

"He is in Abigail's office." Jesse wandered into the kitchen as Sam walked out the back door.

Sam waited until the wagon took Mary Ann back into town. When there was no sign of the others around, he headed into the apothecary that acted as Abigail's office now that she was the doctor on the ranch. Itsá sat with his back to the door, bandaging a cut on his arm. "I was wondering when you would come to talk."

Chapter Five

Two weeks later…

Wolf Valley,


Mary Ann pulled her supper off the stove and hurried to answer the door. She jumped over crates of flour and sugar that she ordered for the bakery. Her fingers curled around the handle, and someone pushed it open forcefully. Mary Ann jumped back and allowed Sam to step into her home. "Samuel, what is it?"

"Charlotte is back. Wesley and Beth brought her back. Abigail is tendin' to her injuries as we speak," he said, out of breath. "I raced here to let you know."

Mary Ann was touched. She worried her bottom lip between her teeth and closed the door behind him. "Would you like somethin' to eat? We could share my supper if you're hungry."

Sam followed her into the kitchen and arched a brow at the lack of table. "Where will we be eatin'? I don't see any chairs or anythin'."

Mary Ann grabbed two spoons and slid to the floor. Sam smiled and sat beside her. His long legs stretched out as he accepted the plate. Their shoulders touched as they removed the distance that had been between them for far too long by pressing together so tightly that Mary Ann could not tell where he ended and she began. "I want to see Charlotte once she is feelin' better, but I...I missed you, Samuel. I don’t ever want us to be apart for that long.”

“Darlin’, if I have any say in the matter, you won’t ever leave my sight again.”

She rested her head against his shoulder and breathed in the scent of his skin. He smelled of fresh winter snow and sharp spices from the cologne he often purchased from the barber. Mary Ann took the plate from his hands once it was cleared and climbed into his lap. Sam sucked in a harsh breath but placed his

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